Shadowboxer (Tapped Out 1) - Page 122

“I meant the log, smartass.”

I took her hand and drew it to the front of my jeans, grinning at her groan. “It’s real. I swear.”

“See how bad you are?” She gave me a playful kiss, easing back before I could really sink in. “I still owe you a punishment.”

“And you don’t even know how bad I’ve been. You haven’t seen your gift yet.” I tugged up her shirt and yanked it over her head, inhaling sharply at what awaited me. The shadowy light blurred the details, but I was pretty dang sure she was wearing an animal print bra that matched her sexy-as-hell panties. “Oh man.”

“Do you like it? It doesn’t say juicy, unfortunately.”

“I’ll make do somehow.” I lowered my head and ran my tongue along the fringe of lace, dipping beneath to warm flesh. She cupped my head as I curled my tongue over her tight nipple. With one flick, she moaned. With two, she arched, offering more of her breast.

I nudged her bra straps down and held them taut behind her back, enjoying the way the plump swells lifted right to my mouth. I nipped the soft skin, tongued my way between, and did the same to the other. “I fucking love your tits.” When she made a dismissive noise, I bit down in a way I knew would leave a mark. Something that bastard Costas could see above her tank top in the ring tomorrow. “When you ride me, these are gonna be in my mouth. I’m going to suck them until you scream.”

She wove her fingers through my hair, holding me in place while I licked and caressed. I pulled her onto my lap, undoing my pants with one hand. Fumbl

ing with them because God, every time was like the first time with her and I couldn’t get past my eagerness long enough to do it right.

I’d had moves with other women. For the most part, I’d felt like I had the game down. With Mia, the familiar steps didn’t apply. Every time she brought me back to square one, where my hands shook and my breath stumbled and I couldn’t get inside her fast enough.

Her hand curved around my cock, and she squeezed me in her ridiculously strong grip. She rubbed her thumb over the crown, smearing the wetness that had escaped. She tightened her fingers until the torch light wavered and bled behind my closed eyes. I wasn’t consciously aware of begging for her mouth. Of demanding that one thing, over and over again.

Only when her lips closed around my shaft did I realize what I’d asked for, and what it meant.

I couldn’t drag her away. I couldn’t ask her to continue. Through it all, she pulled me deeper into the hot, wet recesses of her throat, the vibrations of her pleasure increasing mine. I should’ve been determined enough to change course, to flip her on her back and taste the sweetness between her thighs. But the sounds she uttered while taking me like this were so primitive and raw that I could barely resist the urge to shout.

Mine. All mine.

And now, maybe finally I was hers. We’d find our way through the dark together. Neither of us would be alone ever again.

The pressure built inside me quickly. Too quickly. My hands threaded through the long ropes of her hair, using them to guide her and to anchor myself. I couldn’t catch my breath but even my gasps weren’t enough to drown out the drumbeat of my heart. It pulsed in my dick while she drew on me with an expertise that might’ve shut down my enjoyment if I’d still been capable of thought.

All I could do was drop my head forward to savor the sensation of her tongue bathing me and her fingers exploring my balls. Tugging so gently that the heat rising inside me surged into a manic throb.

When I reached my limit, I yanked her up and gripped her chin, slanting my mouth over hers in a desperate kiss. I had no skill left. I’d become all panting need. She met me stroke for stroke, moaning with a pained excitement that echoed mine.

Too much. Not enough.

Together we fought with her jeans, dragging them toward her knees. I fell backward on the blanket and pushed my hand between her damp thighs, groaning at her silky slickness. Still struggling with the denim, she climbed on top of me, stealing my air with the sight of her swollen red lips and taut pink nipples.

I grasped my cock, on the verge of taking what I ached for—her sweet, snug pussy clasping me while we sought the sanctuary we only found in each other. And then she stopped me cold.

“No. Condom.” Her deep, dark eyes beseeched me.

For a second, I had no response. We’d done it without one once before, when I’d been too stupid and eager to remember. But at least I’d pulled out. This time I didn’t want to. I knew I had to, that some chances were too big to take. But I yearned to feel her against me, just skin. Just us.

“I’ll pull out. Like before. I promise.” It was still a risk, but I wasn’t smart enough to grab that foil-wrapped piece of safety. My desire for her, for us, for everything I couldn’t grasp tight enough, was too great.

But she shook her head, eyes brimming. “I’m on the Pill, but you heard me tonight. How can you trust that it’s safe…that I’m safe?”

“You trust me, don’t you? I haven’t been a saint.”

“It’s not even close to the same. You’ve never sold—”

“Mia.” I couldn’t listen to any more. I’d go fucking insane. I cupped her cheek in a hand that shook. “I can’t not trust you. It’s all I know how to do.” I pressed kisses to her forehead, her cheeks, her lips. “You’re mine.”

She let out a sound perilously close to a sob as she guided me inside her, taking me so deep that a harsh groan ripped from my throat. She’d never wanted to be on top before, and the angle stole my last bit of sanity. But she stayed still, holding me inside her, swallowing me with those depthless eyes. Telling me more than either of us had words to explain.

“Ride me, baby,” I rasped, pinching her hips to goad her into motion. So ready to see her bouncing over me that I strained up, my body already poised to leap.

Tags: Cari Quinn Tapped Out Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025