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On The Ropes (Tapped Out 3)

Page 117

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He stared at his hands. “Do you expect me to kick your ass or absolve you?”

“I just don’t want to lie to you anymore.”

“Whatever happened, she fell in love with you, anyway.” When I stared at him, he nodded. “She told Slater she loved you, flat out. So I have to think that maybe the man you are with her isn’t the face you show the world. And maybe it needs to be.”

I shut my eyes, forcing back the sting behind them. “I treated her so badly. I hurt her, over and over again. I don’t deserve her love.”

“Then I guess you better start making sure you do.” He let out a long breath and reached over to pat my thigh. “I gotta go in, check on Mia. You all right?”

“No. I won’t be all right until I see her again.”

“I hear that.” He walked a few steps, then turned back. “The Anderson girls, they’re tough. So much tougher than anyone gives them credit for. Don’t count her out.”

“I’m not.” I never would.

Alone, I wandered to the edge of the lot. Someone had set a Virgin Mary statue there among the overgrown weeds, or maybe they’d tossed it out. But seeing it in the thicket of bushes almost as an afterthought made me stop and take a deep breath. It seemed like all I ever did was pray when I needed something, when I’d made a mistake or couldn’t face myself any longer.

Now I was going to ask for one more chance.

I kneeled in front of it and shut my eyes. I started in Italian in my head as I always did, but somewhere along the line, I started speaking out loud. Once I realized I was, I didn’t stop.

If the whole world heard me, even better. I was through hiding how I felt about her.

“She’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen and not just physically. She has a beautiful heart. She loves her sister so much, and she loves me. I’ve been broken for long that I didn’t think there was anything left in me worth love. But there is, for her. For her, I want to try again. I want to be the man she deserves, even if I’ll never be worthy of her.” I shut my eyes and the dampness there sealed them closed. “All I want is to get her back. Please. I’ll do anything, be anything. Just bring her back to me.”


At first, I thought it was the wind scattering the leaves around me. But I stopped and waited, my heart pounding in my ears. I didn’t check to see if she was behind me because if I didn’t see her standing there, I didn’t think I’d survive it.


The crunch of leaves made me jerk to my feet. I turned around and then she was in my arms. God, I didn’t know how she’d crossed the distance from there to here so fast but I just didn’t care.

If I was dreaming this, I’d never wake up again.

“You’re okay.” My mouth crushed onto hers, and with one kiss, I was okay again too. The air that had been jammed in my lungs for the last twelve hours finally loosened up enough for me to breathe again. “You’re okay.”

She gripped my face and pulled back, gasping, and this time, I didn’t want to chastise her for making that sound. Now it was like heaven. “You were praying for me.”

I grabbed her hands and brought them to my mouth, kissing them while my gaze roamed her face. Her eyes were damp and bright flags of color were high in her cheeks, but other than a few faint bruises, she looked untouched. “And they were answered.”

Her throat moved. “Because of Dante.” She glanced over her shoulder. My brother stood a few feet away, and behind him stood Mia and Fox, arms locked around each other’s waists. Mia’s face was blotchy with tears, but she was smiling wider than I’d ever seen her.

“She did a damn good job defending herself with Mamma’s dagger.” Dante stepped forward, his eyes grave. “I know the timing is bad, but we need to talk.”

I shifted Carly against my side. “Whatever needs to be said, she can hear too.”

She glanced up at me and smiled faintly. “Whoa, did I get a concussion or something? Because it damn sure feels like I got knocked out and woke up in a fairytale.”

“This is how it’s going to be from now on.” I tilted up her chin. “You and me, no secrets.”

“Easier said than done, buddy.” Fox held up his hands when Mia elbowed him in the side.

“Father’s dead.” Dante didn’t so much as flinch. “And I killed him.”


I eased away from Gio’s side. “I’m going to leave you two alone.”

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