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Knockout (Tapped Out 4)

Page 31

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“Well, he has a fight Friday night, so I’m not sure if he’ll be up to clubbing afterward,” Jenna said hesitantly, as if she’d realized something more was afoot than the surface conversation.

“Good point. He may not be able to show off his moves after, if he’s iced up and in traction and all.” JC flashed me a winsome smile. “I’d be happy to take you though, Lily.”

“Oh, would you now?” I smiled in spite of myself.

Long before sex had entered the equation, JC had accompanied me to a few group-type dates. I’d always made sure everyone knew we were just friends, and since no one had ever seen us kiss or hold hands, eventually people had believed us.

Everything was different now. So different.

“Sure thing. It’d be like a public service, and you know how I like to serve my public.”

Jenna groaned. “How do you put up with this pompous ass?”

I was about to toss back a response in kind when an unreadable emotion flashed over JC’s face. I didn’t know what he was thinking, but I could tell Jenna’s comment had wounded him somehow. So I wasn’t going to pile on, no matter how tempting it was to tease him.

“You’d be surprised. He’s actually kind of amazing.” Both heads turned my way in surprise. “At times.”

“Aww, she loves me.”

It was my turn to struggle as he leaned over the desk to kiss the top of my head. Not that we hadn’t tossed the L word around before. We were good friends, and we had been for years. But this meant something else. Or it could, maybe.

My stomach fluttered madly. Did I want JC to be in love with me? JC and Emerson?

“Emerson won’t be in traction,” I added. “You know he’s going to win. He always wins.”

“So we’ll go to the fight then hit the club with Sister Jenna and Mother Carly.”

“And our guys.” Jenna poked him in the gut. “Who could kick your ass blindfolded, so hush.”

The phone rang and I gripped the receiver, preparing to pick it up. Assuming these two ever stopped squabbling.

He grinned. “Aye, aye. See you later, Lil? I’ll come get you at seven.”

I started to argue. He’d been to my apartment before, but always when my dad was at work. My father had been making noises for a while about wanting to meet him, but I’d always changed the subject because I didn’t really see JC as a meet-the-parents type, even if we were just friends. After what had happened last weekend, I definitely wasn’t sure now was the right time for him to meet my father. But he was already waving and walking away, and Jenna had taken off in the other direction.

All that was left for me to do was answer the phone.

By six forty-five that evening, I’d given up pacing in front of my closet and moved to the front hall. Dad hadn’t made it home from work yet, and if he managed to stay gone just a little while longer—

The sound of keys in the lock made me throw back my head and groan. God, why couldn’t I catch a break?

The door opened and my father stood there in his uniform, his usual smile shifting into a scowl as he took in my outfit. It wasn’t even that revealing, all things considered. I’d paired a wine-red crushed velvet top with snug, super-short black shorts, adding in patterned tights so I wasn’t showing too much leg. The neckline of the top plunged to show off my cleavage, but otherwise, I was covered. I’d also put on big hoop earrings and done my hair and makeup more dramatic than usual. Still, though, I was confident I’d probably be the most dressed woman at Purgatory.

Except maybe Carly, on account of her maternity wear.

“Where are you going dressed like that?” There was no missing the disapproval in his tone.

“JC and I are—”

“JC again, huh? At least normally Emerson is with you.” His bushy brows snapped low over eyes that were mirrors of my own. “But not tonight, hmm? He has that Lubino fight tonight. I’d wanted to talk to him about strategy.”

“He’s been busy—”

“I was harsh on him last weekend.” He rubbed his equally bushy mustache. “And you.”

No, don’t give me that out. I don’t deserve it. Keep saying the things I need to hear.

But I didn’t say any of that. I just nodded awkwardly. “I know it’s hard for you, since you’ve never met JC. He’s coming by to meet you before we go to the fight.”

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