Holiday In the Hamptons (From Manhattan with Love 5) - Page 53

Hero was next to her, looking worried.

Fliss empathized.

“Move away, Hero. I’m no expert but I don’t think dogs are allowed in the delivery room.”

Matilda sent her a panicked glance. “I can feel the head.”

And suddenly Fliss realized that whoever was coming, they weren’t going to get here in time. She was all Matilda had.

She felt a wash of calm.

“Well, that’s exciting.”

“I’m scared.”

“Don’t be. Everything is fine.” She gave Matilda’s shoulder a squeeze and then knelt down and saw that there was indeed a head. Was she supposed to check whether the cord was around the neck or anything? She didn’t want to risk touching anything she shouldn’t touch. Before she could decide, Matilda gave another groan and the baby slid out into Fliss’s hands.

She was so shocked she almost dropped it. She held the baby’s slippery body, and emotion choked her. She’d never allowed herself to think about this part. How this must feel, holding new life in your hands. Beginnings.

She’d never been so grateful for her ability to lock her emotions away, but even she struggled to conceal her feelings this time.

Somehow she managed it, and she put the baby carefully in Matilda’s arms and wrapped a towel

around them both.

Then she propped cushions around Matilda to support her.

“She’s not crying—” Matilda gasped out the words, and Fliss felt another flash of anxiety.

Did babies always cry? Weren’t any of them born happy?

She rubbed the baby with the towel, and the newborn started to howl at the same time she heard footsteps on the stairs.

She turned, expecting to see an EMT or someone from the hospital, but instead it was Seth.

He was the last person she’d expected, and she gave a weak smile, ridiculously relieved to see him. Anyone.

“Typical. You arrive when it’s all over. Your timing is terrible.”


SETH TOOK IN the situation with one glance.

Matilda, the baby and Fliss. He wasn’t sure which of them looked the most traumatized.

Matilda looked exhausted, but Fliss looked worse, her cheeks unnaturally pale.

The fact that she looked relieved to see him told him just how stressed she was.

Deciding to deal with Matilda first, he dropped to his haunches. “Well, this isn’t quite what I expected to find when Chase asked me to check on you. I gather this baby was in a hurry. How are you doing, honey?”

“Okay, I think.” Finally Matilda was able to catch her breath and speak. “He asked you to check on me?”

“You didn’t answer your phone. Chase was worried, so he called me and I said I’d come over.”

Matilda’s gaze softened. “He’s overprotective.”

“I don’t think so. Looks like he made a good call.” He noticed the skillet and frowned. “What’s that doing there?”

Tags: Sarah Morgan From Manhattan with Love Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024