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Holiday In the Hamptons (From Manhattan with Love 5)

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Fliss stared ahead of her.

He hadn’t dated anyone for two years?

He’d moved to California because of her?

She’d had no idea she was the reason. He hadn’t told her that.

He’d told her that he was hurt, too, but he hadn’t mentioned the extent of it and she hadn’t ever given much thought to the detail. Because she’d been so sure he was marrying her only because of the baby, she’d assumed that it wouldn’t take him long to get over her.

“Are you sure?” Her voice sounded croaky. “He didn’t date for two years?”

“It might have even been longer. Bryony and I wheeled every single female we knew past his nose, but he wasn’t interested. To begin with I think he simply didn’t notice them because his head was still full of you, and then I think he was wary of getting involved again.”

Fliss felt as if she’d been plunged into ice water.

He’d stopped going out. He’d moved to the other side of the country because of her.

She’d broken his heart.

“But then he met Naomi. So he was fine in the end.”

“Not really. They got along just fine and she was crazy about him. I assumed he was still wary about handing over his heart after what happened with you. It did seem as if it might happen. I thought they might have a chance, but then Dad died and everything fell apart.”

“He and Seth were close.”

“I know, and it was after that Seth changed. He broke it off with Naomi and moved back east. He took that temporary post in Manhattan so that he could see you.”

“Not just for that reason.”

“Yes, for that reason. Think about it, Fliss. Seth is not a city person. He did it so he could see you again, and he wanted to see you because he has never stopped thinking about you. I think, after my father died, he needed to reach out and find out if there was anything between you still. The fact that you’re in the house now tells me there is. And that scares the hell out of me. Not because I don’t like you. Honestly? I admire you a lot and I’m sure that in different circumstances we’d be friends, but I’m worried.” She paused. “I know you grew up with trouble at home.”

Fliss tensed. “Vanessa—”

“No, please let me finish. I can’t find an easy way to say this, so I’m just going to say it and hope you’ll forgive me for being direct. I know you don’t talk to people easily. I understand that, I really do. But Seth is the type of person who needs that. He is the most straightforward guy I know. He doesn’t play games. Last time he had no idea how you were feeling, and it drove him insane. He was so hurt that you wouldn’t talk to him. And I’m worried that it might be all great now, but that if there’s a problem in the future and you walk away, I don’t know how he would get through that a second time. I don’t want to watch him go through that again.”

Fliss swallowed.

Seth was putting all his faith in her, and she wasn’t good at this, was she?

They’d messed up before. What was to stop them messing up again?

What if she couldn’t be what he wanted her to be?

What if, when things got tough, she couldn’t open up enough for him?

What if she hurt him?

Doubt eroded the certainty that had been there only moments before.

“Fliss? Are you still there?”

“I’m here.”

Ninety/ten. Fliss stared straight ahead. She’d been doing okay, hadn’t she?

But she hadn’t really thought about the stakes. About what would happen if this went wrong.

“You’re probably wondering why this is any of my business, but he’s my brother. I’ve seen you defend Harriet, so I think, hope, that maybe you understand why I would do the same for Seth.”

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