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New York, Actually (From Manhattan with Love 4)

Page 97

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“We’re just having fun. It’s not serious.”

Harriet looked at him expectantly. “You wanted to talk to us about something?”

“Not you. Fliss.” He paused, wishing he didn’t have to do this. His sister seemed so happy. So strong. She was running her own business. She was confident. Sure of herself. And what he was about to tell her was probably going to set her back ten years to a time none of them wanted to remember. “Sit down, honey.”

Fliss froze, her weight on her toes like a deer about to run. “I’m not sure which part of that sentence freaks me out the most. The fact that you’re calling me ‘honey,’ or the fact that you want me to sit down. That’s what cops say in movies before they break bad news. If something bad has happened just tell me straight-out.”

“Seth Carlyle has joined the Animal Hospital.” He watched the color drain from his sister’s cheeks and heard Harry’s murmur of alarm and horror.

“My Seth?” Fliss sat, so hard and fast that it was like a stone dropping from the sky. “Is that a bad joke? No. I know it can’t be. You’re annoying but you’re never cruel, and making that up would be—” Her breathing was shallow and she pressed her hand to her chest. “I don’t feel so good. Can’t breathe—”

Harriet sat down next to her twin and wrapped her arms around her. “Breathe slowly. In through your nose, out through your mouth. That’s it.” She looked at Daniel. “Are you sure? How do you know?”

“I saw him the night I was there with Molly and Valentine. Steven, the vet, introduced us. Obviously he didn’t know Seth and I had a prior connection and I didn’t say anything.”

Fliss gave a wan smile. “Then you’re more restrained than you used to be. I suppose I should be grateful you didn’t punch him.”

“I already did that.”

“I know. I remember.” She sucked in a shuddering breath. “Did he say anything?”

“About you? No. But it wasn’t exactly the time or place.”

She lifted her gaze to his. “How did he seem?” The anguish in her eyes made him feel helpless, and he hated feeling helpless.

He dropped to his haunches in front of Fliss and took her hands in his. It said a lot about her state of mind that she didn’t immediately pull them away and slap him. “He looked okay to me. It’s you I’m worried about. What can I do? Tell me what I can do.”

“Nothing. It’s—” She breathed deeply. “This is my problem.”

“We share problems.” Harriet was glued to her side. “Always have. Always will. I can do all the vet visits if you like, then you’ll never bump into him.”

“If he’s working here on the Upper East Side, then I’m bound to bump into him. And anyway, it would be cowardly of me to avoid him. Why would he be here? Is it a coincidence? Yes, of course it’s a coincidence. We haven’t seen each other for ten years—” Her eyes filled and Harry hugged her, exchanging a helpless glance with Daniel.

“Don’t give me sympathy. The whole thing was my stupid fault, all of it.” Fliss saw her brother’s eyes darken and glared at him. “Don’t start.”

He let go of her hands and stood up. “I haven’t said

a word.”

“I can handle this. A decade is a long time. Water under the bridge, right? We’re both adults. I’ll get my head around this. I just need some time. And a boyfriend.”

Harriet looked bemused. “A boyfriend?”

“Of course. If he realizes I’m single he might think I never sorted my life out, and I absolutely wouldn’t want him to ever think that.” She caught Harriet’s eye. “Because it wouldn’t be true. I’ve moved on.”

“Of course you have,” Harriet said stoutly. “You haven’t talked about him for a couple of years. I don’t suppose you’ve even given him a thought.”

“Not a thought,” Fliss echoed.

Daniel said nothing, but he hoped she could up her acting game before she met Seth.

“Did he mention me? Did he ask how I was?”

“We didn’t have a conversation. We acknowledged each other and didn’t cause each other physical harm. That was the extent of our joyous reunion.”

“So as far as he knows I could be married or anything.” Fliss stood up and paced across the apartment. “I definitely need to date someone. Fast. Who do we know who might help?”

“Don’t look at me.” Daniel raised his hands in a gesture of surrender. “I don’t know anyone who would date you unless they were medicated first.”

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