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Miracle On 5th Avenue (From Manhattan with Love 3)

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“But I have to make a red wine reduction.”

“I’ll do it. If I take the red wine and drink half of it, that reduces it, right?” Frankie gave her a push. “I will be Maria’s right hand.”

“And I’ll take those.” Maria took the potatoes from her and g

estured toward the door with her head. “Go.”

Eva was about to ask what was going on, when Paige strode into the kitchen.

“Wait. Don’t move.” She was carrying Eva’s purse and she opened it and delved inside for makeup. “Hold still.”

“I truly have no idea what’s happening. You all think I look like crap? First Maria says I need to wear lipstick, then—”

“Stop talking. I can’t do your makeup while your face is moving.” Paige gave her a mini makeover, transforming her with an expert flick of a brush and a sweep of lipstick. “There. You look amazing.” She snapped her fingers and Jake appeared with Eva’s coat.

She took it, confused. “I wish someone would tell me what’s going on.”

“It’s a surprise,” Paige said and then smiled. “Merry Christmas to the best friend any girl could have.”

“Hey, I’m the best friend any girl could have.” Frankie brushed flecks of flour from Eva’s dress. “You go, girl. Your carriage awaits.”

“My carriage? Have you been drinking? Because you’ve all lost it.” Wondering what they had planned, Eva let them bundle her from the kitchen and into the restaurant.

For a wild, crazy moment, she’d actually wondered if Lucas might be there. If he might be the surprise they were talking about, but there was no sign of him and the strength of her disappointment shocked her.

She briefly caught a glimpse of Matt smiling at her from the doorway of the restaurant and Roxy looking dreamy-eyed with little Mia bouncing in her arms.

They all looked so pleased, she didn’t want to hurt their feelings so she smiled back and tried not to think about Lucas.

Whatever it was they had planned, she’d look pleased. She could manage that, surely?

“Call us later.” Paige hurried her through the door and Eva gasped as the icy cold hit her face.

“Holy crap, it’s cold.” There was a yellow cab waiting with the engine running and standing by the open door was—

“Albert?” Eva stared at him, bemused, and Frankie pushed her forward.

“It’s more of a cab than a carriage, but this is New York City. At least it’s yellow. If you drink a bottle of wine you could kid yourself it’s a pumpkin. Here you go, Albert. Signed, sealed and delivered just as we promised. The rest is up to you. Don’t let her argue with you.”

Albert hugged Eva and then whisked her into the warm cab.

“Let us know how it goes,” Paige said in the second before Albert closed the door and the cabdriver pulled away.

“How what goes?” Eva shifted in her seat so that she could look at Albert. “What’s going on? Why didn’t you come in and stay for lunch?”

“I’ll be coming back for lunch after I’ve done my part.”

“What is your part?”

“First, I’m supposed to give you this.” He handed her a silver package tied with ribbon and she looked at it, confused.

“I have no idea what’s going on.” She looked at the gift tag and recognized Lucas’s writing.

You gave me a book, and now I’m returning the favor.

“This is a Christmas gift from Lucas?” She looked at Albert, but he simply smiled and looked out of the window.

“Don’t you love New York in the snow?”

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