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Sunset In Central Park (From Manhattan with Love 2)

Page 41

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“Why are you tense?”

“Not me, you. You’re the one who is tense. And we want to know what’s happening between you and Matt.”

Frankie froze in the doorway. “Nothing is happening.”

Paige pushed her inside. “Have the two of you had a fight?”

“No! Why would you even think that?”

“You were scratchy with him.”


“Yes. You made Claws look warm and friendly in comparison.” Eva pushed the door closed, trapping her inside. “Do you have any wine in your fridge?”

“Why? I was going to work and then read my book—”

“Tough. Your book can wait. I’m not leaving until we’ve sorted this out.” Eva made straight for the kitchen and Frankie looked pleadingly at Paige, who shrugged.

“I agree with her. You were scratchy. What’s going on? Is it hard working together?”

“No! And I’ve never had a fight with Matt.”

Eva popped her head around the kitchen door. “You’ve never worked with him before. Everything changes once you work with someone. And Matt can be as controlling as Paige. Everything has to be done his way. Is he driving you insane?”

“I’m not controlling,” Paige protested, and then pulled a face when they both looked at her. “Well, maybe I am. A little. But in a good way. Because I like things the way I like them.”

Frankie cut them off. “There’s nothing going on and there’s nothing weird. We work well together. He’s smart and creative and—” she shrugged “—we’re a pretty good team.” They were a far better team than she could possibly have envisaged. Not only because Matt was easy to work with, but because they were naturally in tune with each other’s ideas. When it came to

garden design, they had similar taste.

“So what’s the problem?”

Should she tell them? Yes, because she had no idea how to handle this. “I think he likes me.” Saying it sent adrenaline shooting around her body. Her heart flew, like a leaf caught up in the wind.

“Of course he likes you. You’ve been friends for years, and—” Paige’s eyes widened. “Oh. You mean he likes you.”

“I knew it. Let’s drink to that.” Eva poured the wine, her expression triumphant. “He’s taking things to the next level. He’s had enough of being friends. He wants more. Holy crap. This is exciting. I may not ever have sex again, but it’s good to know that my two best friends are.”

“Wait! Stop!” Frankie lifted her hand. “We’re not taking anything to the next level. There won’t be any sex!”

Paige handed her a glass of wine. “You told me you find him attractive.”

“Matt is a friend. We’ve been friends for years. He respects my work.” It sounded lame, even to her. “He respects me.”

“You’re worried he wouldn’t respect you if your relationship changed?”

“I know he wouldn’t. I don’t want his opinion of me to change.”

“Why would it?”

“Isn’t it obvious? Look at me!”

Eva curled up on the sofa. “I’m looking. I see an attractive, confident professional woman whose major flaw is her inability to comprehend that diet Coke is not a healthy breakfast.”

“If you think that’s my major flaw then you haven’t been paying attention. There is no way, no way, I would ever get involved with Matt!”

“Why not? The guy is smoking hot.” Eva shot an apologetic look at Paige. “Sorry. Is that weird?”

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