Sunset In Central Park (From Manhattan with Love 2) - Page 93

“You’re going to have fun, I promise. You look great, although random amazing sex would be easier if you wore a dress or a skirt.”

“Callum Becket thought the same thing in tenth grade, which is why I never wear dresses.”

It was the first time she’d told him anything specific about that time when she’d lived at home.

People were pouring past them on their way to the beach but Matt didn’t move.

“What happened?”

“My mom had just broken up his parents’ marriage. He was mad and full of raging teenage hormones. He seemed to think that as our parents were at it like rabbits, we might as well do the same. We were at the prom and he got two of his friends to hold me down while he stuck his hand up my dress. My new red dress. I’d been so excited about wearing it—” Her breathing quickened, but she must have seen the expression on his face because she gave a quick smile. “Don’t worry—Paige and Eva appeared just in time. Without his friends, Callum was pretty weak. I almost broke his wrist. He couldn’t write for a few days. But I decided I didn’t want it to happen again so I gave up wearing skirts except when school demanded it. And I took up karate so if it ever happened again I’d be able to floor the guy with a scissor kick. And now I’ve probably scared you.”

“Are you kidding?” What he felt was anger, but he didn’t tell her that. “It’s incredibly sexy having a girlfriend who can floor me with a scissor kick. Anytime you want to try that, go ahead.”

“How is it you manage to make me smile about things I never smile about?”

He slid his hand into her hair and brought her mouth to his. “Callum isn’t going to be here, in case you were worried about that. The Beckets left the island years ago, so there is zero chance of you bumping into him.” He felt her relax.

“Good. Because I wouldn’t have wanted to have to break his other hand.”

“I would have done that for you.”

“Really? You seem like a man who uses intellect and reason to solve most problems.”

“That’s always my first approach. But I’ve been known to revert to Plan B when the situation calls for it.” He hid his anger behind a smile. “We should go. They’re waiting for these flowers.”

They walked down the path to the beach but as they rounded the corner, Frankie stopped.

“That’s quite a crowd. I hadn’t expected so many people.”

“They’re a friendly crowd, Frankie.”

She stirred. “Let’s hope so.”

He hoped so, too, otherwise he’d be tempted to put Plan B into action.

Chapter Fourteen

Marriage is the triumph of hope over reality.


It felt as if most of the island had turned up at South Beach to see Ryan marry Emily.

The beach was a splash of color, with outfits ranging from swimwear to floaty silk. Chairs had been placed in rows on the sand, and the cries of the seagulls and the crashing of the waves were interspersed with laughing children and barking dogs.

Everyone seemed to know each other and Frankie stood still, poised on the edge, feeling like the outsider. If she lingered here, perhaps no one would notice her and once the ceremony started she could melt away unseen.

She was about to run that plan past Matt when Ryan spotted them. He strode across the beach and pulled Frankie into a hug. “You’re the hero of the hour. You shouldn’t be hovering at the edge of the beach—you should be right in the front row. You’re our guest of honor.”

Front row?

Frankie’s stomach lurched. Sitting right in the front would mean there would be nowhere to hide. She’d be right there, watching while they exchanged vows. She’d be expected to wear a soppy, dreamy look on her face. It wasn’t a look she’d perfected. “No! I couldn’t possibly—you must have lots of people who—”

“Oh, Ryan is right, you must—” This time it was Hilda who spoke, and a pretty blonde woman with two children close by added her voice to the general atmosphere of persuasion.

“There’s definitely room up there. I’m Lisa, by the way. I own Summer Scoop, the ice cream shop on Main Street. If you have time, you must pay us a visit. Ice cream cones on the house.”

“Or we could buy a tub and take it home,” Matt murmured in Frankie’s ear, “and I could lick it off your naked body.”

Tags: Sarah Morgan From Manhattan with Love Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024