Playing by the Greek's Rules (Puffin Island 0.50) - Page 15

‘That makes him even more dangerous. He’s a tiger, not a pussycat and he hasn’t taken his eyes off you for five seconds. I don’t want to see you hurt again.’

‘I have never been in less danger of being hurt. He isn’t my type.’

Brittany looked at her. ‘Nik Zervakis is the man equivalent of Blood Type O. He is everyone’s type.’

‘Not mine.’

‘He kissed you,’ Brittany said dryly, ‘so I’m guessing he might have a different opinion on that.’

‘He kissed me because I didn’t know what to say to David. I was in an awkward position and he helped me out. He did that for me.’

‘Lily, a guy like him does things for himself. Don’t make a mistake about that. He does what he wants, with whoever he wants to do it, at a time that suits him.’

‘I know. Don’t worry about me.’ Smiling at Brittany, she moved back to Nik. ‘Looks like the party is breaking up. Thanks for a fun evening. I’ll post you the dress back and any time you need your shower cleaned let me know. I owe you.’

He stared down at her for a long moment, ignoring everyone around them. ‘Have dinner with me. I have a reservation at The Athena at nine.’

She’d heard of The Athena. Who hadn’t? It was one of the most celebrated restaurants in the whole of Greece. Eating there was a once-in-a-lifetime experience for most people and a never-in-this-lifetime experience for her.

Those incredible dark eyes held hers and Brittany’s voice flitted into her head.

He’s a tiger, not a pussycat.

From the way he was looking at her mouth, she wondered if he intended her to be the guest or the meal.

‘That’s a joke, right?’ She gave a half-smile and looked away briefly, awkward, out of her depth. When she looked back at him she was still the only one smiling.

‘I never joke about food.’

Something curled low in her stomach. ‘Nik...’ she spoke softly ‘...this has been amazing. Really out of this world and something to tell my kids one day, but you’re a gazillionaire and I’m a—a—’

‘Sexy woman who looks great in that dress.’

There was something about him that made her feel as if she were floating two feet above the ground.

‘I was going to say I’m a dusty archaeologist who can’t even figure out how to use your power shower.’

‘I’ll teach you. Have dinner with me, Lily.’ His soft command made her wonder if anyone had ever said no to him.

Thrown by the look in his eyes and the almost unbearable sexual tension, she was tempted. Then she remembered her rule about never dating anyone who didn’t fit her basic criteria. ‘I can’t. But I’ll never forget this evening. Thank you.’ Because she was afraid she’d change her mind, she turned and walked quickly towards the exit.

What a crazy day it had been.

Part of her was longing to look back, to see if he was watching her.

Of course he wouldn’t be watching her. Look at how quickly he’d replaced Christina. Within two minutes of her refusal, Nik Zervakis would be inviting someone else to dinner.

David stood in the doorway, blocking her exit. ‘What are you doing with him?’

‘None of your business.’

His jaw tightened. ‘Did you kiss him to make me jealous or to help you get over me?’

‘I kissed him because he’s a hot guy, and

I was over you the moment I found out you were married.’ Realising it was true, Lily felt a rush of relief but that relief was tempered by the knowledge that her system for evaluating prospective life partners was seriously flawed.

‘I know you love me.’

Tags: Sarah Morgan Puffin Island Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024