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Playing by the Greek's Rules (Puffin Island 0.50)

Page 45

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His face was an uncompromising mask. ‘And you know this on less than a few minutes’ acquaintance?’

‘I’m a good judge of character.’

‘This from a woman who didn’t know a man was married?’

She felt herself flush. ‘I was wrong about him, but I’m not wrong about Diandra, and you have to stop giving her the evil eye.’

Droplets of water clung to his bronzed shoulders. ‘I was not giving her the evil eye.’

‘Nik, you virtually grilled her at the table. I was waiting for you to throw her on the barbecue along with the lamb. You were terrifying.’

‘Theé mou, that is not true. She behaved like a woman with a guilty conscience.’

‘She behaved like a woman who was terrified of you! How can you be so blind?’ And then she realised in a flash of comprehension that she was the one who was blind. He wasn’t being small-minded, or prejudiced. That wasn’t what was happening. She saw now that he was afraid for his father. His actions all stemmed from a desire to protect him. In his own way he was displaying the exact loyalty she valued so highly. Like a gazelle approaching a sleeping lion, she tiptoed carefully. ‘I think your perspective may be a little skewed because of what happened with your father’s other relationships. Do you want to talk about it?’

‘Unlike you, I don’t have the desire to verbalise every thought that enters my head.’

Lily stiffened. ‘That was a little harsh given that I’m trying to help, but I’m going to forgive you because I can see you’re very upset. And I think I know why.’

‘Don’t forgive me. If you’re angry, say so.’

‘You told me not to verbalise every thought that enters my head.’

Nik wiped his face with the towel and sent her a look that would have frozen molten lava. ‘I don’t need help.’

Lily tried a different approach. ‘I can see that this situation has the potential for all sorts of complications, not least that Diandra has been given another woman’s child to raise as her own just a few days before the wedding, but she seemed thrilled. Your father is clearly delighted. They’re happy, Nik.’

‘For how long?’ His mouth tightened. ‘How long until it all falls apart and his heart is broken again? What if this time he doesn’t heal?’ His words confirmed her suspicions and she felt a rush of compassion.

‘This isn’t about Diandra, it’s about you. You love your father deeply and you’re trying to protect him.’ It was ironic, she thought, that Nik Zervakis, who was supposedly so cold and aloof, turned out to have stronger family values than David Ashurst, who on the surface had seemed like perfect partner material. It was something that her checklist would never have shown up. ‘I love that you care so much about him, but has it occurred to you that you might be trying to save him from the best thing that has ever happened in his life?’

‘Why will this time be different from the others?’

‘Because he loves her and she loves him. Of course having a toddler thrown into the mix will make for a challenging start to the relationship, but—’ She frowned as she examined that fact in greater depth. ‘Why did Callie choose to do this now? A child is a person, not a wedding present. You think she was hoping to derail your father’s relationship with Diandra?’

‘The thought had occurred to me but no, that isn’t what she is trying to do.’ He hesitated. ‘Callie is marrying again and she doesn’t want the child.’

He delivered that news in a flat monotone devoid of emotion, but this time Lily was too caught up in her own emotions to think about his.

Callie didn’t want the child?

She felt as if she’d been punched in the gut. All the air had been sucked from her lungs and suddenly she couldn’t breathe.

‘Right.’ Her voice was croaky. ‘So she gives her up as if she’s a dress that’s gone out of fashion? I’m not surprised you didn’t like her. She doesn’t sound like a very likeable person.’ Horrified by the intensity of her response and aware he was watching her closely, she moved past him. ‘If you’re sure you don’t want to talk then I think I’m going to have a rest before dinner. The heat makes me sleepy.’

He frowned. ‘Lily—’

‘Dinner is at eight? I’ll be ready by then.’ She steered her shaky legs towards her bedroom and closed the door behind her.

What was the matter with her?

This wasn’t her family.

It wasn’t her life.

Why did she have to take everything so personally?

Why was she worrying about how little Chloe would feel when she was old enough to ask about her mother when it wasn’t really any of her business? Why did she care about all the potential threats she could see to his family unit?

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