Playing by the Greek's Rules (Puffin Island 0.50) - Page 48

And what had possessed him to tell her about his mother? It was something he rarely thought about himself, let alone spoke of to other people.

It was being back here that had stirred up memories long buried.

He ignored the part of him that said it was the prospect of another wedding that stirred up the memories, not the place.

To distract himself he worked until the blaze of the sun dimmed and he heard movement from the bedroom.

He ended the call he’d made and a few minutes later she wandered onto the terrace, sleepy eyed and deliciously disorientated. ‘Have you been out here the whole time?’


‘You’re not tired?’


‘Because you’re stressed out about your father.’ She sat down next to him and poured herself a glass of water. ‘For what it’s worth, I like Diandra.’

He studied the soft curve of her mouth and the kindness in her eyes. ‘Is there anyone you don’t like?’

‘Yes!’ She sipped her water. ‘I have a deep aversion to Professor Ashurst, and if we’re drawing up a list then I should confess I didn’t totally fall in love with your girlfriend from the other night, but that might be because she called me fat. And I definitely didn’t like you a few hours ago, but you redeemed yourself in the bedroom so I’m willin

g to overlook the offensive things you said on the journey.’ A dimple appeared in the corner of her mouth and Nik felt the instant, powerful response of his body and wondered how he was going to make it through an evening of small talk with people that didn’t interest him.

She, on the other hand, interested him extremely.

‘We should get ready for the party. The guests will be arriving soon and my father wants us up there early to greet them.’

‘Us? You, surely, not me.’

‘He wants you, too. He likes you very much.’

‘I like him, too, but I don’t think I should be greeting his guests. I’m not family. We’re not even together.’ Her gaze slid to his and away again and he knew she was thinking about what they’d shared earlier.

He was, too. In fact he’d thought of little else but sex with Lily since she’d drenched herself in his shower a week earlier.

Sex had always been important to him, but since meeting her it had become an obsession.

‘It would mean a lot to him if you were there.’

‘Well, if you’re sure that’s what he wants. This all feels a bit surreal.’

‘Which part feels surreal?’

‘All of it. The whole rich-lifestyle thing. Living with you could turn a girl’s head. You can snap your fingers and have anything you want.’

Relieved by the lightening of the atmosphere, he smiled. ‘I will snap my fingers for you any time you like. Tell me what you want.’

She smiled. ‘You can get me anything?’


‘So if I had a craving for lobster mousse, you’d find me one?’

‘I would.’ He reached for his phone and she covered his hand with hers, laughing.

‘I wasn’t serious! I don’t want lobster mousse.’ Her fingers were light on his hand. There was nothing suggestive about her touch. Nothing that warranted his extreme physical reaction.

‘Then what?’ His voice was husky. ‘If you don’t want lobster mousse, what can I get you?’

Tags: Sarah Morgan Puffin Island Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024