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Christmas Ever After (Puffin Island 3)

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“Skylar, this is my sister Olivia.” Anything he might have added was interrupted by barking as the dogs heard his voice and tumbled in an excited frenzy out of the house.

Nelson was first, his glossy black coat a startling contrast against the white of the snow, but close on his heels was Churchill, who hated being left behind.

Cursing under his breath, Alec made a grab for them but they sprang toward Skylar, tails wagging.

Why was it that dogs made a b

eeline for the person least interested in them?

He waited for her to recoil and take refuge in the car, but instead she dropped into a crouch and embraced both dogs, laughing as they licked and jumped all over her with clumsy enthusiasm and a blur of wagging tails.

It wasn’t the reaction he’d expected. “They’ll ruin your coat.”

She didn’t seem to be listening. Her hands were all over the dogs, and she rubbed Nelson behind his ears until he whined in ecstasy and rolled in the snow.

“When I asked you to tell me about your family, you didn’t mention these beautiful, beautiful dogs.”

“But I hope he mentioned his beautiful, beautiful sister,” Liv said happily, letting go of Alec and joining Sky. “The black Lab belongs to Alec. His name is Nelson. He’s pretty old now but young at heart.”

Hearing his name, Nelson rolled over and shook himself, showering Sky with snow.

“Thank you, I needed that.” Laughing, she wiped snow out of her eyes. “And who is the beautiful chocolate Lab?”

“He’s mine. He’s called Churchill, but we call him Church. He’s only two. We hoped he’d be wise and statesmanlike, but so far it’s not looking good. I’m trying to train him but neither of us is very disciplined so that hasn’t turned out so well.” She dragged him away from Skylar and then saw the damage. Her smile melted into panic. “They’ve made a horrible mess of your lovely coat. I’m so sorry. I’ll have it cleaned.”

Alec tensed, understanding the reason for the stammered apology. Selina had made a song and dance about having her clothes cleaned after the dogs had jumped on her and Liv had taken the brunt of her displeasure.

“I don’t care about the coat.” Sky kissed Nelson on the head and stood up. “It was a stupid color to buy but I was having a low moment and felt like treating myself.”

Alec wondered why she’d been having a low moment. She would have bought the coat before her relationship had crashed and burned, surely?

Livy looked at it longingly. “I’ve always wanted a white coat.”

Sky looked wistfully at the dogs. “I always wanted dogs.” She’d braided her hair into a loose plait and it fell casually over one shoulder. The beam of the sun highlighted shades of wheat and pale gold that almost dazzled in the light. If Alec didn’t already have evidence to the contrary, he would have assumed the color couldn’t be natural.

Recalling exactly how he knew she was a natural blonde made his body heat. Irritated, he scowled. “You don’t seem like a dog person.”

His sister sent him a curious look and Sky smiled.

“How does a dog person look? Any relation to a princess person?” There was a spark of fire in her eyes that told him that however battered she was by the events of the past twenty-four hours, she was still perfectly capable of holding her own with him. “You have a habit of thinking you have me all figured out. People with blond hair wearing a white coat can’t own dogs, is that it?”

Liv gave a snort of laughter. “That’s my brother. Thinks he knows best about everyone. It’s infuriating. Drives me crazy.” Sky turned to say something to her and Liv gasped in consternation. “What happened to your head?”

“She fell,” Alec said shortly, “and she should probably be sitting down so let’s get indoors.”

“Good idea.” Incurably friendly, Liv slid her arm through Sky’s. “Come inside. You need to meet Mum, Dad and Uncle Harry. And Granny is here. She can’t wait to meet you.”

Alec watched as Skylar was swallowed up by the embrace of his enthusiastic family. The dogs were barking, everyone was talking at once and he was left on his own to unload the luggage.

Nelson nudged his leg and he gave a grunt.

“It’s your lucky day, pal. She likes dogs. Looks like you won’t be spending the weekend shut in the garden after all.”

By the time he’d transferred everything to the hall, everyone was in the kitchen and Sky was standing by the range cooker holding a glass of mulled wine and looking slightly dazed.

“I’ve never had mulled wine before.”

“It’s red wine, spices, a few slices of citrus fruit. Delicious. I think it counts as one of your five a day, but Simon disagrees.” His mother opened the oven and removed a tray of golden-brown, flaky pastry snacks. “Fetch the cooling rack please, Liv.”

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