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Christmas Ever After (Puffin Island 3)

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“Well, he should be. It’s time he found a woman.”

Alec’s father winked at him and reached across to top up his glass. “Merry Christmas,” he muttered under his breath and Alec gave a half laugh.

“I’m not interested in finding a woman. I don’t want a woman.”

His grandmother turned to his mother with a puzzled look. “What did he say?”

Suzanne Hunter raised her voice and spoke clearly. “He said he doesn’t want a woman.”

“That’s what I thought he said, but it doesn’t make sense. Why wouldn’t he want a woman? Is he saying he’s gay? Has he come out?”

“He’s not gay, Mum.”

“Are you sure? Because Skylar is a beautiful girl. The only reason a healthy, vigorous, single man wouldn’t be interested in her would be if he were gay. And that would be fine. I want him to know we’ll love him whoever he is.” Alec clenched his jaw. “I am not gay.” He was aware of Skylar, sitting across from him. Her head was bent over Nelson so he couldn’t see her expression but he was fairly sure she was laughing.

Liv was definitely laughing. “Don’t post anything about being gay on Twitter, you’ll break a hundred thousand female hearts.”

“If he isn’t gay, why isn’t he seeing someone?”

“He’s not in a hurry to get involved again,” his mother said briskly. “And we’ve talked enough about Alec’s private life. You know he doesn’t like discussing it with people.”

“We’re not people, we’re family. Family care about these things. If this is about the divorce, well, it’s been several years since Selina, and picking badly once doesn’t mean he’s going to do it a second time. Just because you bite into one rotten apple, doesn’t mean you have to chop down the whole tree. He needs to get back on the horse.”

Liv sent Alec a look of sibling solidarity. “You’re mixing your metaphors, Granny.

“He should be dating again. Skylar is single and the dogs love her. They’re a very good judge of character.”

Alec wondered what it was going to take to get them to leave his love life alone. “I’m grateful for your concern, but I can manage my love life by myself. If and when I choose to start seeing someone, I can do it without the help of my family. And that includes the dogs.”

“Nelson and Church could set up a dating agency,’ Liv suggested helpfully. “I’ve got the perfect slogan. ‘Don’t let your relationship go to the dogs.’”

His mother finished her drink and stood up. “Mum, come and help me in the kitchen,” she said firmly. “I need to deal with the food. Dinner is game casserole.”

“Made with a bottle of my best burgundy,” his father murmured as he stood up, giving Alec a sympathetic look over the top of his glasses. “Let’s hope not all the alcohol has evaporated. I have a feeling we’re going to need it. By the way, did I tell you all that Lydia Taylor is pregnant?”

Attention shifted away from Alec and his parents and grandmother walked into the kitchen together, catching up on village news. Church took advantage of the open door and bounded into the room, his wagging tail sending decorations flying.

Liv grabbed him. “You have to start behaving now you’re running a dating agency. You’re CEO. Canine Executive Officer.” She hauled him out of the room, leaving Alec with Skylar.

He was the one who broke the silence. “I apologize for my grandmother. I hope she didn’t embarrass you.”

“Not at all. But I’m guessing she embarrassed the hell out of you.” Her eyes were alive with laughter. “Oh, Alec—” She gave up containing it, laughing so hard the tears poured down her cheeks. “I love your grandmother. She is a wonderful, priceless, darling person. I want to pick her up and take her home with me.”

Right then he wouldn’t have stopped her.

Much as he loved his grandmother, he would have packed her bags and stuck her on the plane himself. “She doesn’t know the meaning of the word tact.”

“But that’s what’s so perfect. She’s honest. She’s speaking from the heart. She cares about you.” Wiping her eyes, she sat up. “Sorry. I don’t mean to laugh, but your family is so—so—”

“Exasperating? Interfering? Certifiable?”

“Special. If I were a writer, not an artist, I would have got a movie script out of tonight.” Her smile sent desire marauding through his body. She held nothing back. When she was angry she showed it. When she was amused, she laughed. She wore her emotions on the surface without apology or restraint. With Skylar there was no guessing. What she felt was right there for everyone to see. She lived life with the brakes off.

He wondered if she was as open and unrestrained in the bedroom.

His palms ached with the desire to reach out and haul her against him. He wanted to rip her clothes off and screw her right there on the couch, an urge he intended to resist at all costs no matter how much it would delight his grandmother.

“What would you have called your movie? The Twelve Humiliations of Christmas?”

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