Some Kind of Wonderful (Puffin Island 2) - Page 138

It didn’t.

As far as she could tell it was behaving as it should. Normal rhythm. Normal size.

Richard smiled. ‘A few weeks ago I achieved a life goal. That achievement meant all the more to me because you were right there by my side.’

Forgetting about her heart, Skylar blinked in confusion.

This was her special night and he was talking about himself?


‘I promised myself that when I reached a certain point in my professional life I’d turn my attention to my personal life. That moment is now. There’s something I want to say to you, and there is no better time than now—in front of our friends.’

Her only friends had been Lily and Nik, and they’d left.

The rest were acquaintances, high-profile clients and the press.

And Alec.

It niggled that he was here.

Good manners dictated that she speak to him, but what was she going to say?

Go home and stop ruining my fun.

No wonder you’re divorced …

All the options that came into her head were socially unacceptable, and she knew that when the moment came she’d simply thank him politely for showing up. She’d offer him a glass of champagne and they’d make polite conversation about their friends.

Fake, fake, fake.

She wouldn’t mention the fact she knew he was here under sufferance, and no doubt he wouldn’t mention it either. On the surface they’d be civil, even though neither of them felt remotely civil in one another’s company. She could keep up appearances. After all, she’d been trained by experts. She could talk about nothing for hours.

Richard lifted her hand to his lips. ‘I’ve been waiting for the right moment to ask you.’

Trying to forget Alec, Sky forced herself to pay attention. ‘Ask me what?’

‘I want you to marry me.’ He’d had voice coaching, and training in public speaking, and it showed in the way he addressed the room. ‘I want you by my side for the rest of my life. From now on we’ll be pursuing my goal together.’

Sky gaped at him, wondering if she’d misheard.

‘You’re in shock.’

He was confident. Sure of himself. A man dazzled by the light of his own rising star. He was an only child, the sole focus of his parents’ ambitions. Unlike her, he’d exceeded their expectations.

‘I didn’t buy a ring. I thought you could make your own and give me a discount.’

He included the crowd in the joke and there was a ripple of appreciative laughter.

Skylar wasn’t laughing. Nor was she appreciative.


She thought about the conversat

ions they’d had over the past year. Intimate exchanges in which she’d revealed her dreams.

Had he not listened to a word she’d said?

Tags: Sarah Morgan Puffin Island Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024