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The Midwife's Christmas Miracle (Lakeside Mountain Rescue 5)

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Aware that R

uth was looking at her with a quizzical expression on her face, Miranda sighed. ‘Jake’s very generously letting me a room in his house, just until I find somewhere suitable.’

‘Good.’ Ruth beamed at both of them, swept up her bag and walked towards the door. ‘I’m off, then. Need to feed my husband and recharge my batteries, ready for another exciting day in the office tomorrow. I feel we’re in desperate need of a run of normal deliveries, just so that we can all remind ourselves that sometimes it can all go swimmingly well, without any of this drama and tension.’

Miranda and Jake walked towards the car. ‘You must be knackered.’ He unlocked the car door and held it open while she slid inside.

‘I am tired.’

‘Quick supper and early bed.’ He drove home quickly, a slight frown on his face as he concentrated on the road.

Sneaking a glance at his strong profile, Miranda wondered what he was thinking. Was he worrying about Cathy?

‘What on earth made you even think of meningitis? It obviously didn’t cross the minds of the GP or my SHO.’

‘I’ve seen a similar rash before. In a child when I was doing a paediatric module.’

‘Lucky for Cathy.’ He turned the car into his drive and pulled up outside the house. ‘You go and have a bath. I’ll knock something up for supper.’

‘I’m cooking tonight.’ Miranda undid her seat belt and wriggled out of the car. Her bump was starting to feel larger by the day.

‘No way.’

‘Jake, you don’t have to wait on me. I want to cook. It’s my turn. Why don’t you have a bath? By the time you’ve finished, I’ll have it ready.’

He opened his mouth to argue and then clearly saw something in her eyes that made him change his mind because he smiled. ‘Good. Fine. In that case, I’ll go for a quick run. I haven’t done any exercise for days. It clears my head and removes the stress.’

‘There’s snow on the ground.’

‘It muffles the sound of my bones creaking,’ he drawled, humour gleaming in his blue eyes. ‘Short run, quick shower then supper. All right with you?’

Miranda took a quick shower herself and changed then wandered into the beautiful, spacious kitchen.

She ran a hand over the smooth work surface, her expression wistful. Who could dislike cooking in surroundings like these?

Pulling herself together, she opened the fridge, pulled out some chicken and vegetables and started chopping.

By the time Jake came back from his run she had garlic and ginger sizzling in a pan and all the ingredients prepared.

‘Smells delicious. ‘ He sniffed the contents of the pan and smiled. ‘Stir-fry?’

‘Is that all right with you? It’s just that it’s quick and—’

‘It’s perfect. I’ll be back down in three minutes if I skip a shave.’

She tossed chicken in the hot oil, added water to the noodles and was just assembling everything when he appeared in the doorway, dark hair still damp from the shower. Her heart lurched and her insides shifted alarmingly. Suddenly she wished he’d taken the extra few minutes to shave. Why did the stubble make him more attractive? Was it because he looked less like a respectable consultant and more…dangerous?

She permitted herself a wry smile. All men were dangerous. She knew that better than anyone. Giving herself a sharp talking-to, she rescued the plates that she had warming in the oven and lifted the pan from the heat.

‘Sit down, it’s ready.’

‘I have to confess that I love it when you cook.’ He leaned forward and gave an appreciative sniff. ‘You’re very creative in the kitchen.’

‘I love your kitchen.’ She served a generous portion onto his plate and then took a smaller helping herself. ‘What about you?’

‘I don’t think it’s one of my more obvious talents, but I manage.’

‘Did your mother teach you the basics?’

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