Snowbound: Miracle Marriage (Lakeside Mountain Rescue 8) - Page 54

‘Isn’t that Alan Hardman, the anaesthetist?’ Stella stared at the man wobbling on the ice and Ellie giggled.

‘It is Alan Hardman. I thought he was far too serious to try ice skating but rumour has it that he’s very much in love with Alison Waterman from Radiology and she’s the one wobbling next to him like Bambi. Oh, my goodness!’ Ellie dug her nails into Stella’s arm as the couple lost their balance and crashed heavily. ‘That had to hurt.’

‘And I thought this was going to be a night off for us, Ben,’ Daniel drawled, strolling up to them, two steaming mugs of mulled wine in his hands. ‘Obviously not. Get the traction ready.’

Stella felt her heart rate double as she looked at him.

Wearing a thick jumper with black jeans, Daniel looked nothing like a respectable emergency specialist.

He handed her and Ellie a drink and then pushed his hands into the pockets of his jeans, watching the skaters with amusement. ‘Which idiot thought that this was a good venue for a party? If everyone breaks a bone, there’ll be no one left in the hospital to look after the patients.’

‘Stella won’t break anything.’ Ellie curved her hands around her hot drink. ‘She skated as a child and she’s awesome.’

Aware of Daniel’s curious glance, Stella blushed. ‘I always loved dancing. Ice skating was an opportunity to release my inner ballerina.’

‘Ben?’ Daniel lifted an eyebrow. ‘Do you fancy a spin on the ice to release your inner ballerina?’

‘I think Alan Hardman is releasing his inner elephant,’ Ellie observed, giggling as the anaesthetist crashed to the ice again.

Daniel winced. ‘Somebody ought to drag him off before he ends the evening in our department.’

Ben grinned. ‘You’ll have the chance to release your inner orthopaedic surgeon.’

‘Aren’t you guys drinking?’ Stella sipped the spiced wine and Daniel shook his head.

‘If I’m going to have to deal with major trauma, I’d rather be sober. It’s hard to align bones when you’re seeing double.’

‘I can’t drink. I can’t take the morning headache.’ Ben adjusted Ellie’s woolly hat, an affectionate look in his eyes. ‘I’m on early baby duty tomorrow. It’s Ellie’s turn for the lie-in. That means getting up at six in the morning ready to rock and roll.’

Daniel gave a sympathetic smile. ‘Until I looked after Patrick’s kids, that comment wouldn’t have meant anything to me. After experiencing Posy’s idea of a lie-in, you have my deepest sympathies.’

Remembering the special time they’d spent together with the children, suddenly Stella felt a desperate need to get away.

They were standing here, talking, and the only thing on her mind was Daniel.

Suddenly she wished she’d argued with the taxi driver. She should have paid him double to take her home and drop the lecture.

‘So this is where the action is.’ Patrick strolled up to them and everyone bombarded him with questions about Chicago.

‘Did you take the job?’ Ellie looked anxious and he smiled at her.

‘Why are you so worried? Are you pregnant again?’

Ben turned a shade paler. ‘Ellie?’

‘Not yet.’ Ellie gave him a saucy look and Stella felt a pang of envy.

To distract herself, she spoke to Patrick. ‘Did you enjoy yourself in Chicago?’

‘Yes.’ He took a mouthful of beer. ‘Actually, I did. Thanks for holding the fort. I gather I have you to thank for the fact that my barn is still inhabitable.’

Something in his expression made her look at him more closely. ‘There’s something different about you,’ she murmured, a frown in her eyes as she looked up at him. And then realisation dawned and she gave a little gasp. ‘Patrick? Did you meet someone?’

He hesitated for a few seconds. ‘No.’

‘Patrick!’ Excited for him, Stella drew him away from the others. ‘You did, didn’t you? You met someone! Tell me about it.’

‘Nothing to tell.’ He removed a flake of snow from her hair. ‘Let’s just say I enjoyed myself.’

Tags: Sarah Morgan Lakeside Mountain Rescue Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024