Snowbound: Miracle Marriage (Lakeside Mountain Rescue 8) - Page 101

‘Probably too much of a gentleman.’

Hayley thought about the way he kissed. ‘I don’t think he’s that much of a gentleman.’

‘Ooh, don’t tell me that—you?

??re making me all hot.’ Sally laughed, reaching for her bag.

‘I’ll carry that.’ Hayley took it from her and together they walked across the corridor to the room where the birthing pool had been prepared. ‘Don’t say anything to him, will you?’

‘And risk upsetting him? You’re kidding aren’t you?’ Sally eyed the pool. ‘That sexy man of yours is the only thing that’s standing between me and a Caesarean section. I don’t know what’s wrong with Tom. He doesn’t usually intervene so readily. With me he just wants to yank it out and get it over with. I suppose it’s the whole control thing.’

Hayley helped Sally change into a swimsuit and step into the bath. ‘How’s the water?’

‘Perfect, thanks. I wonder what Patrick has done with my husband?’

‘I think he knew you needed time to calm yourself down, without having to worry about him.’

‘Possibly.’ Sally slid into the bath. ‘Oh, my goodness, that feels fantastic. I should have overruled Tom ages ago when he said he didn’t want me in water.’

‘Why doesn’t he want you in water?’ Hayley checked Sally’s temperature and recorded it in the notes. ‘Has he had a bad experience or something?’

‘He’s fine with other pregnant women using the pool.’ Sally closed her eyes and leaned back against the side of the pool. ‘Just not me. As I said, he just wants to get this baby out as fast as possible. Poor man. I don’t think this is going to be fast. Which brings me to another issue—you’re not even supposed to be working, and neither is Patrick.’

‘I don’t mind.’ Hayley poured Sally a drink. ‘Here. You have to drink plenty while you’re in there—I don’t want you getting dehydrated.’

‘It’s Christmas Day. You could at least have provided champagne.’

‘That comes after you’ve delivered the baby.’ Hayley saw Sally’s expression change. ‘You’re having another contraction?’ She waited for the contraction to end and then listened to the foetal heart with the aqua Doppler.

‘That sounds loud and strong.’ Patrick strolled into the room, with Tom hovering behind him. ‘Do you mind me in here, Sally? I have seen you in a swimming costume before.’

‘Please don’t tell me husband that.’

Tom dropped into a crouch by the pool, his expression contrite. ‘I’m sorry I’ve been an idiot.’

‘It’s all right.’ Sally leaned forward and kissed him, her eyes soft with love. ‘I’ll find a way to make you pay, you handsome thing.’

Tom looked up at Patrick. ‘You won’t give her systemic opioids while she’s in the pool, will you?’

Patrick rolled his eyes. ‘Do I look stupid?’

Tom ran his hand over the back of his neck. ‘Sorry.’

‘I thought I’d calmed you down,’ Patrick said wearily, and his colleague gave a sheepish smile.

‘I’m not going to be calm until this child is at university. Probably not even then.’

‘In that case, I want a divorce,’ Sally said, and Hayley tensed, wondering whether Patrick would be sensitive about that comment, but he was busy checking the notes she’d made.

‘This looks good.’ He flicked through the pages and glanced at her. ‘You’re thorough, aren’t you?’

‘She’s amazing,’ Sally murmured, holding onto Tom’s shoulders as another contraction ripped through her. ‘I’m so glad you brought her in, Patrick. She’s the best Christmas present you could have given me.’

Tom scowled, but his hand was gentle as he smoothed Sally’s damp hair away from her face. ‘Since when has my colleague bought you Christmas presents?’

‘Since he was my colleague, too.’ Sally groaned and leaned her head against his shoulder. ‘I worked with him until six months ago, don’t forget. That was when you were still sane, by the way.’

‘You worked here?’ Startled, Hayley put down the aqua Doppler that she’d been using to check the baby’s heart rate. ‘Are you a doctor?’ Please don’t say she’d been giving advice to a doctor for the past few hours.

Tags: Sarah Morgan Lakeside Mountain Rescue Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024