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Christmas Eve: Doorstep Delivery (Lakeside Mountain Rescue 7)

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Hayley felt a surge of outrage on his behalf. ‘So you were left on your own on Christmas Eve—’

‘Actually, no.’ Patrick turned the hot water on again. ‘Daniel was so freaked out that Carly had walked out, he broke off his engagement to Stella and he walked out, too.’

Hayley stared at him in disbelief and Patrick shrugged.

‘Daniel and I had a very dysfunctional childhood. It was like living in a war zone most of the time. Dan was always nervous about marriage. In fact, it was an indication of just how much he loved Stella that she even got him to propose—and if Carly hadn’t walked out that night they might have stayed together and not have wasted two years.’

‘It scared him?’

‘It reminded him that relationships are difficult, fragile things. So Stella and I were left on our own, both of us crushed.’ He gave a faint smile. ‘Unbelievable, really. Anyway, we joined forces that Christmas and put on a giant act, as you do when you have children—and somehow we got through.’

Hayley slid deeper under the warm water. ‘So for two years you concentrated on your children and then you met me—and you thought you’d made the same mistake again.’

‘No.’ Patrick’s tone was rough. ‘I never thought that. What you and I share is entirely different and it has been from the first moment.’

‘But I can see why you must have been so worried. Your children’s lives have been shattered and you’ve just got things back together—and then I arrive. And you thought I was pregnant. You were worried I’d expect you to marry me.’

Patrick sighed. ‘I admit I’m a bit sensitive to that issue. I overreacted.’

‘And I can understand why.’

Patrick took her face in his hands. ‘I’m glad you came, Hayley. I’m glad you stayed. Alfie already adores you. I’ve never seen him take to anyone so quickly.’

‘Thank you for telling me the truth,’ Hayley said softly. ‘And for what it’s worth, I don’t think pregnancy is a reason for marriage either. My dad married my mum for the same reason and it was a disaster. There’s no love there. Never was. And my step-siblings really resent me and always have. It hasn’t made for a happy family.’

‘I can see why you didn’t want to spend another Christmas with them.’

‘I wanted to find you. I wanted to know whether what we’d shared was all in my imagination.’

‘It wasn’t in your imagination.’

‘When you opened the door on Christmas Eve I wanted to die on the spot. All I kept thinking was, I got this wrong,’ she confessed. ‘I wanted to melt into a snowdrift. I realised then that for you it had just been a one-night stand.’

‘That wasn’t how it was and you didn’t get it wrong—although I admit that seeing you on my doorstep was a shock.’ Patrick stepped out of the bath and tugged a huge warm towel from the heated rail. ‘That night in Chicago took me by surprise. I hadn’t been with a woman for a long time. That should tell you something about the way I felt.’

Hayley followed him out of the bath and took the towel he offered her. ‘Desperate?’

He made an exasperated sound and brought his mouth down on hers. ‘Smitten,’ he said against her lips. ‘I was smitten, you silly girl.’ He scooped her up again. ‘But I was desperate, too.’ He strode back into the bedroom and tumbled her onto the bed, the damp towels falling onto the floor. As he stroked her hair away from his face, his eyes were suddenly serious. ‘I’m glad you came, Hayley. You have no idea how glad.’

‘I thought you were panicking.’

‘I never panic.’ He wiped a droplet of water from her face. ‘But I was worried—for all the reasons I just explained.’

‘Well, I’m not pregnant, so you can relax.’ Hayley stifled a yawn, thinking that she’d never felt so tired in her life.

Patrick pulled her into his arms. ‘You poor thing—first jet-lag then a day at work and then—’

‘Fantastic sex,’ Hayley said sleepily, a grin on her face. ‘Don’t apologise for that bit.’

She was already drifting off as she felt him pull her into his arms. ‘Sleep,’ he said quietly. ‘And tomorrow we can have some fun with the children.’


‘SO MUCH for not working over Christmas.’ Maggie handed Patrick a thick set of notes. ‘What are you doing for New Year? Are you treating yourself to a night off?’

‘Maybe. Depends on this place, doesn’t it?’ Patrick frowned at the list on his computer screen, careful not to reveal his plans for New Year’s Eve. He was taking Hayley out. They were going to have some time on their own. ‘Why is this clinic so busy?’

‘Because everyone who was trying not to see you over Christmas now wants to see you.’ Maggie was looking at him expectantly and Patrick lifted an eyebrow.

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