Defying the Prince - Page 23

‘That could be worse.’ Ignoring the stab of misery that came with each bout of public mockery, Izzy reminded herself that being in the media spotlight was just part of what she’d signed up for and there was no point in whining about it. She put it to one side, facedown so she didn’t have to look at the picture they’d chosen from their archiv

e. ‘The headlines are mostly positive and that’s what you wanted. The public loves the whole prince-marries-ordinary-girl thing. So why are you frowning? Are you still mad that I swam in the fountain?’

His eyes narrowed. ‘Let’s just say I’m naturally suspicious of women who make me their Goal of the Day.’

‘I won’t apologise for having goals. I’m proud of how hard I work,’ Izzy exploded in her own defence. ‘I could have gone into that party with no objective other than to dance and drink which is what most people did, instead of which I knew what I wanted and I went for it.’

He leaned his hips against the desk and watched her. ‘I suppose I should at least applaud your honesty.’

‘You make it sound like a bad thing but that’s because you have no idea what it’s like to be a normal person. It’s easy for you—if you speak, everyone listens. You have access to anyone and anything that interests you. Someone like me just doesn’t get the opportunities. That’s why I did Singing Star, but that turned out to be a bad move so it might not be such a great example.’ Izzy bit her lip. ‘I did everything I could to make you notice me. I researched what you liked but research can only tell you so much about a person.’

That confession was met by a deadly silence.

‘You researched me?’ His voice was dangerously soft. ‘And what did your “research” tell you?’

‘That you have eclectic tastes.’ She was pleased with the word. ‘And lots of people vying for your attention, of course. I knew you wouldn’t be a pushover.’

‘But clearly you’re not daunted by a little healthy competition,’ he drawled, and she stared at the glitter in his eyes, wondering what he was getting at.

‘Competition is part of life. You have to ignore it. If you have a dream, it’s no good giving up at the first fence. If it means that much to you, you have to keep at it. And if a plan doesn’t work then you have to try another.’ It sounded so much easier to say than to do, she thought, and he certainly didn’t look impressed.

‘So is this a Jackson family trait? Does Allegra have a Goal of the Day too?’ His voice was ice cold. ‘How did you agree on which prince would suit which sister?’

Izzy thought it was a strange question. ‘Technically she’s my half-sister and of course we didn’t fight. I was only ever interested in you. For obvious reasons.’

‘Enlighten me.’

She looked at him. ‘Sorry?’

‘I’m interested in your reasons for picking me. If I’m supposed to be your Prince Charming then I’d better be informed of the qualities you value. Or were you just living out a princess fantasy?’

Princess fantasy? Izzy stared at him blankly, rewinding the conversation in her head. Had she missed something? ‘Who said anything about you being my Prince Charming?’

‘If your goal is to marry me then I should at least have a basic understanding of your expectations if we’re to stand any chance of living happily ever after.’

‘Marry you?’ Izzy gaped at him. ‘Are you crazy? Whoever said anything about marrying you? I can’t think of anything more horrific!’

‘You made it your goal to target me. To quote you, “I was only ever interested in you.”’

‘Yes, but not because—’ She broke off, robbed of speech as his meaning sank into her shocked brain. ‘I was talking about your music contacts. The fact you have ultimate control over the Rock ‘n’ Royal concert. But you thought—’ It was her turn to look stunned. ‘My goal was to persuade you to give me a role in the concert. Let me get involved in some way. You have all the right contacts. I never, ever wanted to marry you! I don’t want to marry anyone. That’s nowhere on my list of goals—short, medium or long term!’

There was a long, tense silence and disbelief spread across his face, quickly followed by incredulity.

‘You targeted me for my music contacts?’

‘Yes! When Allegra invited us all to the engagement party it was just too good an opportunity to miss. My career is totally in the doldrums and then fate intervened. My goal was to impress you with my singing.’ Remembering just how far she’d fallen short of that objective, her face burned.

‘Accidenti.’ He rubbed his fingers over his forehead. ‘You’re saying you thought I’d hear your voice and invite you to sing?’

‘Maybe it was a little ambitious as goals go, but—’

‘So you treated your sister’s engagement party as an audition?’

Put like that it sounded awful and Izzy squirmed. ‘Well, not exactly, because obviously I was hoping she’d enjoy the song too, but—’

‘For your information we had the artists and set lists confirmed months ago. And as for inviting you to participate—’ he breathed deeply ‘—I have never heard anything more ridiculous in my life.’

‘Oh. Well, thanks for that compliment. When the other bruises to my ego have healed I’ll be sure to add that one.’ Her spine stiff, Izzy held his gaze and absorbed the blow the way she’d absorbed all the others in her life. ‘Singing was my primary goal, but my secondary goal was just to help in some way. Get involved.’

Tags: Sarah Morgan Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024