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A Wedding in December

Page 61

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“Yes, although I doubt that had much to do with the ice and I know you won’t thank me for noticing.” His voice softened. “Let go of the suitcase and put your arms around my neck, Katie.” The way he said her name sent tingles up and down her spine.

“I will not be putting my arms round your neck now, or at any other time, unless it’s to strangle you.”

“In that case—” He let her go. Immediately her feet slithered. She grabbed at the front of his coat.


His eyes gleamed. “You know, it’s all right to accept a little help from someone once in a while.”

The occupational health doctor had said the same thing. “I do not need help.”

“You have romantic intentions?”


use me?”

“There has to be a reason you’re locked on to the front of my coat. If it’s not because you need help, then it must be because you’re about to kiss me. Or maybe you’re waiting for me to kiss you.”

“I’m not the waiting type, Mr. Tree-Doctor. If I wanted to kiss you, I’d have already kissed you.” What would he do if she did? And why was she having thoughts like that? Desperation, maybe. It had been almost six months since she’d kissed a man, and the attraction had been nowhere near as powerful as it was between herself and Jordan. “I need a solid object to grab on to, that’s all.” She gasped as he swept her up and slung her over his shoulder in a fireman’s lift. “What are you doing?”

“Giving you the help you won’t ask for. My duty as best man is to look after the groom. If the bride’s sister breaks both her legs, that’s going to hold up the wedding. Also, I don’t want my best friend threatened with a lawsuit.”

“I hate you.”

“I know.” But still he didn’t put her down.

As she thumped his back with her fists, she could hear her sister laughing.

To heap on the humiliation, he carried her case in his free hand with no visible effort.

“This is uncomfortable. You’re going to rupture my spleen.”

He ignored her and carried on walking, his boots crunching through the surface of the snow.

“There you go.” He lowered her gently to the ground. “Bones in one piece, spleen intact, temper and smart mouth also thriving.”

They were at the bottom of the curving staircase that led up to the deck.

“There is nothing wrong with my mouth, thank you.”

He looked at her for a long moment and the corners of his mouth flickered into a smile. “Finally, something we agree on.”

She was so taken aback she was mute.

His smile widened and he picked up her case and vanished up the stairs as if it weighed nothing.

She heard him laugh and murmur a few words to Rosie, and then he was standing in front of her again.

Before she could move, he leaned forward and brushed his lips across her cheek. “Admit it, Doctor. I rock your world.”

“My world hasn’t moved an inch. Not a tremor.”

His gaze dropped to her mouth and lingered with such intensity that she stopped breathing. If a patient had showed any of the signs she was showing, she would have called the resuscitation team. She would have been hitting the red button and yelling can I have some help in here?

She said nothing.

He said nothing.

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