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A Wedding in December

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have to work that hard for my dinner. Are we seriously going back down in a horse-drawn sleigh? Will the horse be friendly?”

“As long as it gets us safely back down the mountain I don’t much care about its personality.”

“I suppose you’re going to tell me that camels are worse.”

“Camels are definitely worse.”

They were shown to their table, and Maggie slid into her chair by the window. Even though she felt unsettled and more than a little confused by her own feelings, it was impossible not to be charmed by the atmosphere. As they’d crawled up the slope in the snowcat, she’d wondered if the journey would be worth it, but her first glimpse of the place had convinced her that it was. The Alpine-style restaurant nestled in the trees, halfway up the mountain. It was a cozy retreat from the frozen world outside, its wooden walls lit by tiny lights, and the air scented by wood smoke and wholesome cooking.

It was dark outside so the view was limited, but the lights from the cabin lit up the surrounding forest and trails.

“It’s pretty.” Snow floated and swirled past the window, gentle but relentless. “Do you think we’ll be snowed in?”

He slid on his glasses and opened his menu. “I don’t know, but being trapped in a restaurant wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world. The wine list looks good, and at least we won’t go hungry.”

She glanced around her. All the tables were occupied. “It’s obviously the place to spend a romantic evening.”

“Presumably that’s why Catherine chose it.”

Maggie felt like a fraud. They were surrounded by couples enjoying their relationship. She and Nick were faking theirs.

“Champagne, courtesy of Mrs. Reynolds.”

Two glasses were placed in front of them along with a small plate of canapés and Maggie waited until they were alone again before she caught Nick’s eye. “Don’t say it.”


“You were going to make a reference to what happened last time I drank champagne.”

“I was not. This is one glass, Mags. You emptied the drinks cabinet on the flight. In fact France might now have a champagne shortage.”

“Thank you for your tact and delicacy, and for respecting my wish to forget it.”

“Why would you want to forget it?”

“Because I was an embarrassment to my entire family. Well, not Katie because she didn’t witness it, but no doubt Rosie will have shared the horrors of it by now.” She’d always been pleased that the two girls had each other. She would have loved a sibling.

She studied the menu and then put it down and caught Nick smiling at her. “What?”

“I happen to think you were adorable.”


“When you consumed the champagne. You lost your inhibitions.”

“You mean I all but molested you in front of my daughter and her soon-to-be husband. And told them this was a second honeymoon. If it weren’t for that champagne, we wouldn’t be sitting here now.”

“I can’t think of anywhere I’d rather be.” He raised his glass, “To us.”

Her heart gave a little kick. “There is no ‘us,’ Nick. We’re divorcing, remember?”

“Not tonight. Tonight we’re on our second honeymoon, although I feel compelled to point out that we had no money on our first honeymoon so the food and drink were nowhere near as impressive. This version is vastly superior.”

Everything about him was light, whereas she felt weighed down and heavy.

Pretending in front of the people she loved was one thing, but this was different. This felt real.

“No one is watching.”

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