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A Wedding in December

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Without breaking the contact he shifted himself so that he was lying full length on the sofa and she straddled him.

She fumbled with the buttons of his shirt then gave up and tore at it, sending a couple of buttons flying. Later she’d wonder what it was about him that brought out a wildness in her, but right now she wasn’t thinking. When she felt him pull at her sweater she raised her arms and he removed it so the only barrier left was silk and lace. His mouth closed over her breast and then he decided to get rid of the silk and lace and her bra went the way of his buttons.

He took her face in his hands and broke the kiss long enough to look at her, and there was a white heat in his eyes that thrilled her.

“What?” She touched her lips to his forehead, his cheek and the roughness of his jaw. “Something wrong?”


She stilled and drew back a little, question in her eyes.

He gave a slow smile. “You’re still wearing too much.”

She smiled back and then shivered as he drew his hands down her bare arms.

“I can fix that.” She sat up, still straddling him and felt his hands move to her waist. Her heart thudded harder as he slid his fingers into the waistband of the track pants and pushed them down her thighs. Her underwear followed and she shifted position and let it fall to the floor. She felt his eyes on her but did nothing to cover herself. Instead she reached for the snap of his jeans and eased his zipper down.

“Now I’m intimidated.” She saw him frown and gave a soft laugh. “Your abs. You look like you’ve spent a lifetime in training.”

“It’s called the hefting-great-tree-trunks workout.” He slid his hand behind her head and drew her mouth down to his. “Don’t be intimidated. I’ve been admiring your sexy self since you stalked off that plane looking ready to kill someone.”

“The only workout I do is the overworked doctor routine.” She teased his lips with her mouth, felt him touch the tip of her tongue with his and then he was kissing her hard and she felt as if she was falling, falling...

She felt his hands slide down her back, cup her bottom and then move down her thighs. And all the time he kissed her, and she kissed him back until her whole body ached and she was consumed by the delicious rush of desire. She touched her lips to his jaw, moved lower to his neck and then his chest. And as her mouth seduced, her fingers moved lower, teasing, exploring until his breathing fractured and he closed his hands on her hips and shifted her so that she was underneath him and he was the one on top. It wasn’t the easiest of maneuvers on a sofa and she clutched at his shoulders, caught between a moan and a laugh.

“Smooth, huh?” His fingers were in her hair, his mouth on hers, kisses punctuated by his own muffled laughter. “I might be feeling a little impatient.”

“Impatient works for me—” She wriggled under him and curved one of her legs over his. “Whatever you do, don’t stop.” It was obvious he had no intention of stopping and he moved only to give himself better access to her trembling body. He kissed as if he already knew everything there was to know about her, as if he already knew her secrets and quivering need turned to aching pleasure as he teased her intimately, his fingers slow and sure. She reveled in the warmth of him, the weight of him, pressing her down and then he moved down her body and she let her eyes drift closed, lost in the relentless skill of his mouth and tongue.

The concept of time slid away from her and there was only this moment. This man. And then he moved again and this time reached for something from the pocket of his jeans, now abandoned on the floor.

The interruption frustrated her and she slid her hands over the slope of his shoulders, feeling hard muscle ripple under her fingers. He murmured her name into her hair, whispered what he intended to do to her, and then she felt the heated hot slide of him, the thickened pressure as he surged into her, taking her gasps into his mouth. He slid his hand under her bottom, lifting her into him, each slow, measured thrust taking him deeper. She was overwhelmed by an excitement so intense that she found it hard to draw breath. She tried to say something, to tell him how she felt, but the words wouldn’t come and then she stopped thinking and sank into a world of pumping heat and sensation.

She came apart in a rush of delicious spasms and felt him thrust deep as he reached the same peak. They rode it out together, mouths fused, bodies locked, each slick spasm deepening the intimacy.

When her body finally calmed she opened her eyes and stared at the ceiling in stunned disbelief.

Jordan collapsed half on top of her, fighting for breath. “That was—”

“It was.”

There was a pause while he tried to recover. Then he lifted his head. “You may not know your own phone number, Karen, but you sure know how to rock a guy’s world. For what it’s worth, I’d give you a solid grade A.”

Grinning, she turned on her side so that she could look at him. How could she feel this comfortable with him? It didn’t make sense, but right now she wasn’t in the mood to analyze it. “Only an A?”

His eyes drifted shut. “It’s the top mark, honey.”

“What about an A with a star? Or an A plus?” She slid her hand down his body and heard him groan.

“Seriously?” He opened his eyes and turned his head to look at her. “You expect a lot. I’m beginning to understand why men never call you after that one night. You think it’s the fake number that keeps them away, but it’s probably that they’re lying spent in the gutter somewhere trying to recover enough energy to move.”

“What can I say? I’ve always been an overachiever. Want me to prove it?”

He pulled her closer. “If that’s what it takes to boost your confidence, I’m all in, Karen.”


Rosie lay with her head on Dan’s chest. “That was—” she pressed her mouth to his heated skin “—amazing.”

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