A Wedding in December - Page 112

“You do, and it’s another thing I love about you. Your brain is bursting with possibilities and options.”

“That doesn’t annoy you?”

“It’s fun. And being with you comes with a guarantee that we will never, ever be bored.”

“You don’t mind that I change my mind?”

“As long as you don’t change your mind about me, no.”

She felt a flash of guilt and was relieved she hadn’t said anything. Yes, she’d had doubts, but they were normal doubts. Marriage was a big step. She was allowed to ponder on it and worry a little. It wasn’t something he needed to know.

“I’m glad we’re on our own tonight.”

“So am I.” He trailed slow kisses across her jaw and down her neck.

She closed her eyes.

She’d had relationships before, but nothing that had felt like this. Nothing to anchor her or cause her to question her choices or her plan for the future. But the moment she’d met Dan it had felt different, and not only because he’d managed to get her to actually like exercise. They’d connected in a way that felt fresh and special. Her other relationships had all felt right at the time, but it wasn’t until Dan that she’d realized she’d never known intimacy. Being with him had made her more confident and stronger in every way.

Feeling warm, loved, and utterly content with life, she drifted off to sleep and woke only when Dan walked into the room with breakfast on a tray.

“What time is it?” She yawned and sat up in bed.

“Nine o’clock. You were tired.”

“And whose fault is that?”

He winked at her and put the tray on her lap. There was a basket of warm, buttery croissants, freshly squeezed juice and coffee.

“You’re spoiling

me.” She patted the bed next to her. “This doesn’t look like the usual health food you force down my throat.”

“I think we used up enough calories last night for it not to matter.” He kissed her, and stole half a croissant. “The good news is that it has stopped snowing and the sun is shining. I had a text from Jordan. He’s bringing Katie back now, and they’re coming here. Apparently, she wants to talk to you.”

Rosie paused with the glass halfway to her mouth. “What about?”

“No idea. Maybe she’s decided she can’t be maid of honor, if Jordan is best man.”

“She’d grit her teeth and get through it. Maybe she wants to explain why she sprinted into the forest by herself, because I can tell you that is definitely out of character.” She watched him chew. “Are you going to let me eat any of this breakfast you made for me, or did you make it to torture me?”

“Sharing is caring.” Dan tore off another piece of croissant, but this time he fed it to her. “I know there’s a lot to do today, but let’s try to snatch an hour together this afternoon.”

“Sounds good to me.” She ate the rest of the croissant, finished her juice and slid out of bed. “If Katie is on her way, I’d better take a shower. I’ll drink the coffee in a minute.”

Dan followed her to the bathroom. “Need help?”

“No!” She pushed at his chest. “I do not want to be naked when my sister arrives.”

Ten minutes later, after the fastest shower on record, she was dressed and in the kitchen.

The moment she saw Katie’s face, she knew this wasn’t about the wedding.

“You look serious. Were the roads terrible? You’re here, so I assume you managed to dig yourselves out?”

“Yes. Jordan handled it.” Katie took her hand. “I’ve been worried about you.”

“Me? I’m not the one who was lost in a blizzard. Thank goodness Jordan found you. It all sounded very scary. Why did you go off like that without telling anyone where you were going?”

Tags: Sarah Morgan Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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