A Wedding in December - Page 124

“You’re so rational and mature.”

Maggie burst out laughing. “I wish. Let’s just say I had an epiphany recently.”

“Dan is as focused and stubborn as I am. When he wants something, he goes for it. It’s a strength, but it’s also a flaw. Maybe Rosie tried to talk, and he didn’t listen. And now he’s in shock.”

Maggie finished her coffee. “I like Dan, a lot. I’m sure he and Rosie will work this out.”

“And if they don’t?”

Maggie tried to ignore the sick lurch in her stomach. Would she ever lose that impulse to reach for her phone and check on her daughter? “Then they both will have learned something from it. And we will pick up the pieces and support.”

“I don’t understand why everyone was in your bedroom this morning. And why so much tension? No one told me anything.”

Maggie fiddled with her coffee cup. “This is the part of the conversation where you’re going to be mad with me.”

“I can’t imagine that ever happening.”

They were about to find out. “About our second honeymoon—”

“I think it’s so romantic.”

“It’s not romantic. It’s fake. Or it was fake. Nick and I have been living separately for months.” She told Catherine everything, from the slow demise of her marriage, to their decision to fake their relationship for a little longer so that they didn’t spoil the wedding.

Catherine listened without saying anything and when Maggie had finally finished, she stirred.

“So I brought you back together?”

“Yes. It’s been years since Nick and I spent time as a

couple. Enjoyed ourselves. Our relationship had turned into something close to an administrative arrangement. Because we were faking this second honeymoon, we were forced to do all the things you’d so kindly arranged. The sledding. The romantic dinner. We haven’t done anything like that in long time.”

“And it turned into something real. You fell in love again.” Catherine pressed her hand to her heart. “You have no idea how happy that makes me. But what does this have to do with this morning?”

“Yesterday, Katie overheard us talking about divorce. Naturally, she was upset. She walked off, and that’s how she ended up spending the night in Jordan’s cabin. But she obviously assumed we would have told Rosie. When she discovered we hadn’t—well, she’s very protective of her sister.”

“Of course she is,” Catherine murmured. “Isn’t that what sisters are for?”

“She seemed to think Rosie was having doubts, and was using our marriage as evidence that a whirlwind relationship could work. Katie felt it was her responsibility to tell her the truth. I assume Rosie didn’t believe her, so Katie dragged her over to our tree house for an honest conversation.”

“But you were in bed, enjoying your new relationship.” Catherine started to laugh and Maggie felt herself blush.

“I can assure you having your grown kids walking in when you’re having sex is not funny.”

“I know, I know.” Catherine wiped her eyes. “But honestly, you couldn’t make this up. But Katie must be thrilled to know you’re getting back together?”

“I don’t know. We haven’t spoken to her. Dan heard her trying to convince Rosie not to use our marriage as reassurance, and he was understandably upset. That’s when you arrived.”

“So do the girls know that you and Nick are together again?”

“They should do. We tried telling them. But it was rather chaotic, and then there’s the fact that Katie doesn’t trust us much right now. She’ll probably never believe a single thing I say ever again. You think this is your fault but I think it’s mine. If I’d told the girls the truth from the beginning, Katie wouldn’t have come charging in this morning, Rosie wouldn’t have followed and Dan wouldn’t have found out she’d been having doubts.”

“But then you and Nick might not be together. I think it’s good that Dan found out. They need to find a way of communicating. If you can’t be honest with the person you’re choosing to spend the rest of your life with, then how is that ever going to work? Dan can be very stubborn, and sure of himself, but maybe he needs to learn to listen more.” Catherine finished her coffee. “I need to apologize to Rosie for taking over. For pushing. I made it hard for her to speak up. This whole episode has made me realize a few things about myself, too. I need to give people space to breathe and move, and make their own decisions.” She straightened and glanced at the time. “We should be getting back. I might have a wedding to cancel. Unless you and Nick would like to renew your vows?”

Maggie gave a wan smile. “I don’t think that would be tactful in the circumstances.”

“Or maybe it would be exactly what everyone needs. And it would certainly persuade Katie that this time you’re telling the truth.” She stood up. “Are we really going to give up on this wedding?”

“It’s up to the two of them. I’m not going to interfere even though it half kills me not to.”

Tags: Sarah Morgan Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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