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A Wedding in December

Page 139

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“Headache? That’s lack of sleep. And stress of course. Have you taken something?”


“You’re a doctor. Aren’t you supposed to know how to treat yourself?”

“I’m right at the back of the queue.”

“I can see that self-care isn’t high on your agenda. You might want to think about that, Dr. White.”

“I intend to. I intend to think about a lot of things, including my career.” She stared at his chest. “Thanks for listening, by the way. It helped to talk about it.”

“I’m pleased you felt able to talk to your dad.” He slid his fingers under her chin and lifted her face to his. “So have you decided what else you’d like to do?”

“No. I might resign, and take some time to think about it. Sleep in late. Go to yoga. Buy a horse.”

“A horse?”

“Never mind.” She smiled. “I have no idea what comes next, and in a way that’s scary but it’s also surprisingly freeing. Turns out I like the idea of a clean slate.”

“You’ll go back to London?”

“Where else would I go? I could stay with my parents in Oxford, but as they’re rekindling their relationship I think that could be uncomfortable for everyone involved.”

He has the bluest eyes, she thought. The bluest eyes.

“I’ve never been to London, but it doesn’t sound like a peaceful place. Not an easy place to think. Also, you’re a Rottweiler, and Rottweilers need exercise and stimulation or they get into trouble.”

“Is that right?”

“Mm. You might be better somewhere with more outdoor space. Like a cabin in the mountains, for example. Somewhere cozy. Wooden walls, great views, log fire. When the snow melts it’s surrounded by spring flowers. You can walk all day and not meet another person. And the air is fresh and clean, no pollution.”

Her heart beat a little harder. “It sounds great. Do you know of a place like that?”

“As it happens, I do.” He cupped her face in his hands. “Stay, Katie. If you have thinking to do, then do it here. I can guarantee you won’t find a better place.”

Her mouth felt dry. She wasn’t sure what he was offering and she didn’t want to clarify because she was so afraid she’d got it terribly wrong. “Are you offering me use of your cabin? Where will you go?”

His eyes creased with laughter. “Funny.”

“Your place didn’t seem big enough for houseguests. You only have one bedroom.”

“How many bedrooms do we need?”

Her heart was hammering. “We?”

“I’m asking you to stay. With me. And I realize you’re at a crossroads of your life, which might mean you’re vulnerable and shouldn’t be making rash choices, or it could mean it’s time to make rash choices.”

She felt his heart beating under her palm. “Are you a rash choice, Jordan?”

“Maybe.” He lowered his head until his mouth was almost touching hers. “All I know is that I don’t want to drive you to the airport.”

“Because you’ll miss me when I go?”

“A little. Mostly because you’re a particularly annoying passenger and another five hours in a car with you just might kill me.”

She laughed, and she would have carried on laughing except that he kissed her, crushing her mouth under his and reminding her of all the reasons that night in the cabin had been special.

When he finally lifted his head she wrapped her arms around him. “I thought you hated me.”

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