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How to Keep a Secret

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She stared at him, helpless. A few minutes ago they’d been locked together naked and intimate and now it was like looking at a stranger. “Don’t be mad. I can’t believe you’re reacting like this. It was a million years ago. Why do you even care?”

For once he wasn’t smiling. “Excuse me for being human.” He strode away from her to the kitchen and slammed the door.

Jenna flinched.

She’d never seen him like this. If they ever had a disagreement, he was rational and calm. She’d never seen him withdraw from her.

What she’d said had upset him, she knew that, but she’d spent her life trying to forget having seen her father that day. Surely Greg could understand that?

She opened the kitchen door tentatively. “Greg—”

“I’m cooking.”

Rejection: to rebuff a person.

She bit her lip. “I could help.”

“I don’t need help.”

“But—” The sound of the doorbell interrupted her and Jenna wanted to scream with frustration.

Talk about bad timing. Maybe she should have canceled on them. She could have claimed some vile sickness. But then she wouldn’t have been able to check on Lauren.

With a last look at Greg’s rigid shoulders, she went to answer the door.

“Something smells wonderful.” Lauren was carrying a large portfolio case. “You’re such a wonderful cook.”

“Thanks.” Jenna was relieved that at least her sister seemed buoyant. That was one less thing to worry about. “What’s in the case?”

“The res

ult of my light bulb moment. I’ll show you in a moment.” Lauren slipped off her coat with that elegance of movement that characterized everything she did.

“Is it the reason you’ve been difficult to get hold of the last few days?”

“I’ve been busy, that’s true. Where’s Greg?”

“He’s in the kitchen.” Jenna hoped her smile didn’t look as fake as it felt. It probably wouldn’t fool her sister, but hopefully it would work for her mother.

Nancy stepped inside after Lauren. After a moment’s hesitation she reached out and hugged Jenna, too. “It’s kind of you to invite us over, especially when you’ve been working all day.”

Enveloped by warmth, Jenna closed her eyes, glad she hadn’t canceled the evening.

Then she eased away and saw that her mother looked tired, defeated, and she stopped thinking about her own problems.

She’d never seen her mother anything other than fully in control, but it was as if letting out her confession had severed a string that had been holding everything together.

“Can I take your coat, Mom?” And now when she looked at the gray coat she realized that the reason her mother hadn’t replaced it was because she hadn’t been able to afford a new one.

How could she have missed so much?

She’d been upset that her mother hadn’t known the big things about her, but she hadn’t known the big things about her mother.

Mack was hovering behind them.

“Hi, honey. How’s it all going?”

“Great.” She sounded unusually subdued and Jenna gave her a tight hug, surprised when Mack hugged her back, almost clinging.

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