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How to Keep a Secret

Page 128

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She fumbled for her phone, intending to call Greg, but then remembered the slammed door.

If it had been good news, she would have called, but how could she call him with this?

The last thing he’d want was her dumping her baby misery on him again. Their relationship felt too fragile to withstand the extra load.

She slid her phone back into her purse and stood in the impersonal cubicle feeling empty and alone.

She needed to get out of here before someone started to ask questions, but where could she go?

Not to The Captain’s House, and not home because Greg might be there. She wasn’t ready to talk to anyone.

The beach.

She could walk on the sand, breathe the air and cry as much as she liked. Once she’d got it out of her system, she’d be able to face people again.

Confident that she’d composed herself sufficiently to walk out the door, she left the bathroom and immediately bumped into Heather Summer, the principal.

“Jenna! I’ve been looking for you. I wanted to talk to you about the summer show.”

Jenna knew that if she opened her mouth the only thing that was going to emerge was emotion.

She needed time on her own.

“I have an appointment.” She pushed the lie through the thickness in her throat. “Could we talk later in the week?”

“Of course.” Heather looked at her closely. “Is everything all right?”

“Everything is fine.”

Two lies in quick succession.

They made a dat

e, which Jenna immediately forgot as she stumbled the distance to her car.

It would take her ten minutes to drive to the beach, that was all.

Luck wasn’t on her side.

She reached her car and saw Andrea Corren strapping Daisy into her own car.

“Jenna!” She emerged from the car, red faced and smiling. “I’ve been meaning to catch up with you. I wanted to thank you for listening that time a few months ago.”

Not now, not now.

“No problem.”

“Things are much better.”

“Great news.” Jenna fumbled with her keys and dropped them. Shit. Shit.

Andrea closed the car door and lowered her voice so that Daisy couldn’t hear her. “Todd and I—well we’re trying again. He said it was a mistake. He said he was sorry, and I believe him.”

Jenna wondered how many times her father had said that to her mother. “Glad it’s working out for you.” Her hand closed over the keys and she gripped them so hard they marked her flesh.

“There’s something else—” Andrea leaned in closer. “I haven’t told anyone else this yet, but I’m pregnant.”

Jenna felt the world around her fade slightly. There was a buzzing sound in her ears. “What?”

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