How to Keep a Secret - Page 156

“Don’t talk to me about investments. It was Ed’s investment business that got me in this mess.” She pulled another tissue out of her bag and blew her nose. “I had a call yesterday from the executor of Ed’s estate. He’s a friend.”


“It’s all finished. The bank has repossessed the house, the cars have been sent back to the lease hire companies and the furniture has been sold.” There were times when it felt surreal, as if it was happening to someone else. “It’s as if that life I had in London never existed.”

Scott covered her hand with his. “That’s tough.”

“I knew it was going to happen, so I don’t understand why that call made me feel so bad. I suppose it was a sharp reminder of reality.” She should probably pull her hand away, but she couldn’t bring herself to. “And a reminder that I was foolish. I trusted Ed. I should have looked more closely at the financial aspect of our lives.”

“It’s not foolish to trust someone you love, Laurie.”

“What did I do to make him think he couldn’t tell me? We were supposed to be a team.” She sniffed. “I can’t believe I’m discussing my marriage with you. Doesn’t it bother you, talking about Ed?”

There was a pause. “Honestly? It makes me want to break something.”

She gave a shocked laugh. “I’m sorry. I’ll stop.”

“Don’t. Whatever else we were, we were always friends. I hope we still are. You were telling me about your finances.”

“Things could be worse. James said we narrowly missed having to make the estate insolvent. We owned some artwork that did well at auction. Because of that, I have money coming to me. A sum total of £1,655. By the time I’ve paid Jenna back for the flights, I reckon Mack and I can treat ourselves to a small ice cream.”

Scott’s hand tightened on hers. “No wonder you’re upset.”

She gave a watery smile. “At least I’m not bankrupt, right? Still, it wasn’t enough to make the bank believe in me.”

“I have money, Laurie, and I believe in you.”

“Oh, Scott—” She felt as if someone was squeezing her heart. “Don’t.”

“Don’t what?”

“Don’t give me sympathy.”

“I’m not giving you sympathy. I’m giving you money. Or I’m trying to.”

She blew her nose again. “I can’t take your money, Scott. And you shouldn’t be offering.”

“How I spend it is my decision.”

“I’m looking out for you, that’s all. You’ll need every cent to fund yourself next time you decide to sail into the sunset.”

“You still believe I’m going to sail into the sunset?” There was an edge to his tone that hadn’t been there earlier.

“I know you, that’s all.”

“If that’s what you think, then you don’t know me.” He removed his hand from hers. “You see what you want to see. I hurt you, and you can’t see beyond that.”

She turned her head. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Sixteen years is a long time. People change. I’ve changed.”

“But you don’t want responsibility. You never have.”

There was a pause as he drew in a slow breath. “How do you think I have built up the capital to make an offer on The Captain’s House? You haven’t asked me where I got the money.”

“Capital?” She swallowed. “I assumed you were taking out a big loan. Is Charlie helping you? I’m sure he’s a generous boss.”

He rubbed his hand over his jaw and gave her an exasperated look. “Charlie’s not the boss, Laurie, I am.”

Tags: Sarah Morgan Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024