How to Keep a Secret - Page 159

“Not that.” His gaze dropped to her mouth. “At least, not yet. I want to be part of Mack’s life. I want to play a proper role. I want to share her with you. I want to be there for the bad bits and the good bits.”

She managed a laugh. “Are you sure? Be prepared to have your heart ripped open on a regular basis.”

A shadow crossed his face. “I’ve had practice.”

“We’ll have to talk to her about it—”

“Could we do that together?” He sounded unsure and she felt her heart break all over again.

Rejection was all he’d known.

“Whatever happened to sailing the world in your boat, relishing having no ties or responsibilities?”

“Some ties are good.”

Did he mean that? And would he still mean it in a week or a month?

Ignoring the questions in her head, she leaned in and wrapped her arms round him. “I didn’t know you came back. I can’t bear that you thought I rejected you.” She buried her face in his shoulder and he cursed softly.

“Don’t cry.” He cupped her face in his hands. “I hate it when you cry.”

“I can’t bear the thought of you torturing yourself imagining me with Ed.”

“I’m glad you had a good relationship. A good marriage. I mean that. I wanted only the best for you. It’s what you deserved. It’s what you still deserve.”

His generosity humbled her. “I loved him, but I loved you, too.”

“I know.” He brushed her tears away with his thumbs. “I wish this hadn’t happened to you.”

She’d wished that, too, but of course if it hadn’t happened she wouldn’t be here now, with Scott. She was so confused it hurt.

He lowered his head and kissed her. What began as a gentle, exploratory kiss soon turned hotter and more demanding. She lost awareness of her surroundings. There was only the thrum of blood in her ears and the heat of his mouth on hers. It was a kiss filled with regret, hope, love and promise.

Rocked by emotion, she wrapped her arms round his neck and wriggled closer.

They were so absorbed by each other neither of them heard the car door open.

Through a mist of head-spinning desire Lauren heard Mack’s voice, shrill and shocked.

“Mom? Scott?”

Startled, Lauren jumped away from Scott and turned to face her daughter.

How could she possibly be here? Why wasn’t she at school? How long had she and Scott been sitting in the car talking?

“You’re—” Mack choked out the word. “Ed just died, Mom. You loved Ed. How can you kiss another man? It’s disgusting. And you, too—” She glared at Scott. “You made me trust you. You made me like you! And the whole time you were using me as a way of getting back into my mom’s pants. I hate you. I truly hate you.” She turned away, stumbling over her bike and almost falling. It took two attempts but finally she climbed onto it and cycled away at a furious speed.

Lauren felt physically sick. Finally, after so many long difficult months, their relationship had reached a new place. And it had been a good place.

And now this.

Scott looked white and shaken. “She hates me.”

“She doesn’t hate you,” Lauren said. A terrible weariness descended on her.

“You heard her. She said—”

“That’s a teenage thing.”

Tags: Sarah Morgan Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024