How to Keep a Secret - Page 174

Mack broke the silence first. “Are you asking us to live there with you?”

“One day I hope you will, but I know it’s early days and you might rather wait a little while. The house will be here when you’re ready. And I’ll be here, too. Whether you take a week, a year or ten years, I’ll be here.”

Lauren felt the strength of his arm around her.

She hadn’t asked for her marriage to end, but it had ended anyway and the fact that she had chosen to keep living didn’t make her a bad person. Ed would have wanted her to be happy.

Scott was right that they needed time, but she didn’t think she was going to need much time. Time, she’d discovered, was precious. It didn’t do to waste a moment of it.

Mack nudged Scott. “Do I get to call you Dad or is that freaky?”

“You can call me what you like.”

“Cool. And when we move in, do we get a puppy?”

“She never gives up, does she?” Scott looked at Lauren.

Her head was spinning and her emotions were so close to the surface she didn’t know whether to cry or smile. “She never gives up. Welcome to parenthood. It’s a type of erosion. Gradually, over time, you’re worn down like the rocks on the beach.”

Scott winced. “Sounds tough. You’re going to have to share your secrets with me.”

“The secret,” Mack said helpfully, “is to say yes to everything. It makes life simpler. Yes, Mack, of course you can stay out late and drink and take drugs. Have fun. You’d like a car? Yes, Mack. Which make and model? A new laptop? Great idea. See? It’s easy. If I ask you a question, the answer is yes.”

“I think that’s called cupboard love.” Scott was smiling, and they watched as Mack walked across the boat to stop Captain from hurling himself into the water.

When Mack was out of earshot, he turned back to Lauren. “And how about you?” His voice was soft and for her alone. “Maybe it’s the wrong time for you to hear this, but I love you, Laurie.”

It was never the wrong time to hear those words.

“I love you, too.” She felt his arms tighten around her.

“We’ll take this at whatever pace you want, but one day, at some point in the future, I’m going to ask you a question. Do you think your answer will be yes?”

“You’re going to ask me if I want a puppy?”

He laughed and she laughed, too, and leaned her head against his chest.

She was going to be fine. Maybe not right away, but gradually, over time she’d piece herself together.

Her old life had gone, but there was a new one waiting for her. All she had to do was take that step...



Bond: a force or feeling that unites people

“I can’t believe we’re doing this.”

“I thought you wanted me to be more adventurous. More like my old self.” She grabbed her sister’s hand and pulled her to the railing.

“You want me to jump, too? No way. I’m the one who stays on shore ready to rescue you. I’m your lifeline.”

“Not this time. This time we jump together.”

“Who will rescue us if we both get into trouble?”

“We’ll rescue each other.” She climbed over the rail and poised, ready to jump. It was an island tradition, but one she hadn’t followed in years.

Tags: Sarah Morgan Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024