The Magic of Christmas - Page 31

‘So is that why you booked your ticket to Australia?’

She smiled. ‘If you’re asking whether Australia is my haystack then the answer is no. I’m just going to see Tom and maybe travel a bit. I’m not looking for a man. I’m sure they’re just as flawed in Australia as they are over here. But I need a change. I’ve worked in various emergency departments for the past four years and I need something more.’

‘You’ll be missed.’ He glanced around the kitchen. ‘I haven’t thanked you properly for everything you’ve done with the house. You may not think you’re domesticated but you’ve succeeded in turning an empty house into a home. Things are improving. Chloe’s still quiet and I haven’t got to the bottom of it but I’m still trying.’

‘Perhaps she?

?s just missing her mum.’

‘Perhaps. Although, to be honest, Fiona wasn’t around much. She was always working.’

Lara recalled Chloe saying something similar. ‘It must have been so hard for the children.’

‘It happens. Relationships break down every day.’ His gaze was faintly mocking. ‘I’m not easy to live with.’

Her stomach rolled over and she gave a smile to cover up just how seriously he affected her. ‘So now we’re back to the flaws again. Go on. Tell me the worst.’ She used laughter to conceal her discomfort. ‘Do you lose your temper and yell? Or are you untidy? Do you drop your clothes onto the floor when you take them off, instead of putting them away?’

‘And, if I do?’

‘Then we both know that you’ll probably be dropping them on top of mine,’ Lara said, her mind again dominated by a disturbing vision of Christian naked. Flustered by her thoughts, she rose to her feet and picked up the rest of the casserole. ‘I’ll freeze this for another day when neither of us can be bothered to cook.’ She lifted the casserole across the work surface and left the lid off so that it would cool.

Christian stood up. ‘I think we need to agree on a few house rules.’ He cleared the plates and started loading them into the dishwasher. ‘The casserole was delicious but I don’t expect you to cook for me. It’s enough that you’re prepared to move in here and help with my daughters. I can look after myself.’

She wished he wasn’t standing quite so close. It was impossibly distracting. ‘I like cooking and I don’t have anyone to cook for anymore.’ She sneaked a look at him. ‘I’ll cook if I’m not working late, but if you’re too late home to eat it, it doesn’t matter. How’s that for a compromise?’

The kitchen door opened and Chloe put her head round. ‘I’m going to bed. Good night.’

Christian turned. ‘Good night, sweetheart.’ His voice was slightly husky. ‘Do you want me to come and tuck you in?’

‘No need.’ Chloe gave a quick smile and shook her head. ‘I’ll read for a bit and then put my light out. See you in the morning.’

Go after her, Lara urged silently, but Christian stood still, staring at the closed door with a frown on his handsome face.

He stirred. ‘I usually tuck her in. Is twelve too old to be kissed good-night? I honestly have no idea.’

Lara tilted her head to one side thoughtfully. ‘Well, I’ve never had children but I wouldn’t think that you’re ever too old for a hug. I’m still happy to be kissed good-night by the right guy, and I’m twenty-five.’

His jaw tightened. ‘Lara—’

‘OK, OK, I probably shouldn’t have said that.’ She lifted a hand and gave a helpless shrug. ‘I would have thought she’d appreciate a hug. Probably not at the school gates but in the privacy of your own home…I don’t know, Christian. Perhaps you should just not give her the choice and go on up.’

‘I sensed that she didn’t want me to.’

Lara stood, not knowing what to say. She’d sensed the same thing, but what little girl wouldn’t want her dad? Why would Chloe push him away? ‘It’s almost as if she’s afraid she’s being a bother.’

‘A bother?’ Christian turned to look at her, a frown in his eyes as he considered what she’d said. ‘Why would she think that?’

‘I honestly don’t know. Is it to do with her mother? How does she feel about all that?’

There was a long silence and a muscle flickered in his jaw. ‘I have no idea. She refuses to talk about it.’

‘She’s never talked about it?’

‘Not really. I’ve tried, of course, but she always changes the subject really quickly.’ Christian glanced towards the closed door. ‘She seems more interested in checking that I’m happy. I think I’m probably asking all the wrong questions. I’m just not good at talking to twelve-yearold girls.’

‘It can’t be an easy thing to talk about.’ Lara hesitated. ‘Could she be hoping that her mum might come back?’

‘No.’ His tone was hard. ‘I was honest with them on that score. Perhaps too honest, but I didn’t want to create hope where there was none.’

Tags: Sarah Morgan Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024