The Magic of Christmas - Page 43

‘Ah, that’s where you’re wrong.’ He gave a mocking smile. ‘In my family, Christmas is just another business opportunity. Get people while they’re under the influence of champagne. But we did have a traditional lunch on Christmas Day.’

‘Hold on.’ Lara lifted a hand. ‘When did you open your stocking?’

He shrugged. ‘Whenever I liked. When I woke up.’

‘Your parents didn’t get angry if you woke them early?’

‘I never woke them at all.’ He finished the last of the chicken. ‘I opened the stocking on my own.’

She was silent for a moment. ‘That sounds lonely, Christian.’

‘It was my life. I was an only child. Why aren’t you eating?’

Lara glanced down at her plate and realised that it was still full. ‘I—I suppose I’m just not hungry.’

She was too shocked by the discovery that she was in love.

How could this have happened?

Her problem was how to love someone, not how not to love them.

She had absolutely no experience of this scenario. How was she supposed to handle it?

Would it just fade?

Would she eventually get on with her life and forget about him?

Or would she be in pain for ever?

* * *

‘This one! This one!’Aggie danced up and down next to a huge Christmas tree and Christian raised his eyebrows.

‘Aggie, that tree is enormous.’

‘I know. I’ve never seen a tree like it. This tree is my dream.’ Her eyes shone with excitement as she craned her neck to try and see the top. ‘It’s perfect.’

‘I agree.’ Lara stamped her feet to keep warm, her breath clouding the freezing air. Love faded in time, she told herself firmly, ignoring the dull ache in the centre of her chest. Australia would be the perfect distraction. ‘How about you, Chloe? What do you think?’

‘I—It’s nice.’ Chloe glanced anxiously towards her father. ‘Do you think it’s too big, Dad? We could pick a smaller one if you’d rather.’

Lara wondered why Chloe was always so anxious to please her father. Say you like this one, she urged silently as she glanced towards Christian. She wants it but she’s worried about you.

He looked at Chloe and then looked at the tree. ‘I think it’s a great tree,’ he said gruffly, and Lara smiled with relief.

He was a brilliant father. Whatever he thought, he had good instincts.

‘That’s decided, then.’ She huddled into her scarf. ‘Let’s get on with it before we all freeze. We’ll take the tree home, decorate it and I’ll warm some mince pies in the oven. I can’t believe how cold it is.’

‘Do you think it might snow?’Aggie danced on the spot and Christian smiled.

‘It doesn’t often snow in London.’

Lara glanced up at the sky. It was grey and ominous. ‘It could snow. It’s cold enough.’ And soon she’d be in Australia with her brother.

But the thought didn’t bring the same rush of excitement that it had before she’d fallen in love.

‘If it snows, we can make a snowman. Can we do the Rudolph Jive when we get home? And can you make us some of your amazing hot chocolate?’ Aggie slipped her hand into Lara’s and smiled up at her. ‘With piles of chocolate and marshmallows. Ple-e-e-ease?’

Tags: Sarah Morgan Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024