The Magic of Christmas - Page 53

Why had he locked the door?

‘Before I walked into your office, holding mistletoe. Before I moved in with you. I don’t know.’ Her voice was a whisper in the darkness. ‘Sometimes when I’m working in Resus I remember that life is short and unpredictable. No one knows that more than we do. You have to make the most of every single bit of happiness that comes your way. But I understand that you don’t want to do that. I know how much you worry about upsetting your girls.’

He was standing so close to her that the tension was almost unbearable and suddenly she knew she had to get away from him while she was still in possession of a grain of willpower.

She turned swiftly and put her hand on the key, but his hand covered hers, warm and strong.

For a moment they just stood like that and then his fingers tightened and she turned slowly to look at him. His face was close to hers and she saw in the depths of his blue eyes that he was fighting the same battle that she was. A war between sheer animal attraction and cold common sense.

Then he gently slid his hand round the back of her neck and drew her towards him, lowering his mouth to hers.

The slow, erotic skill of his kiss sparked an explosion of excitement so shockingly intense that she felt a sudden rush of heat through her body that threatened to melt her bones.

He cupped her face with his hands, holding her firmly as he silenced her shocked moan with the heat and demands of his mouth.

It was a kiss like no other she’d ever experienced and for a suspended moment in time she was unable to think or move, unable to do anything except react in the most primitive way.

The heat of the kiss intensified until he lifted her into his arms in one easy movement and carried her across to his desk.

Without breaking the kiss—as if the taste of her mouth was essential to give him life—he knocked papers and files onto the floor with an impatient sweep of his arm and then placed her on the desk.

Lara lifted her hands to his shoulders, feeling the hard swell of muscle and the strength and power of his body.

The tension that had been building for weeks exploded between them and with a frantic movement she slid her hands up inside his scrub suit, feeling warm male flesh under her desperately seeking fingers. With a low groan he slid his hands down her trembling thighs, pushed them apart and hauled her hard against him.

‘Christian…’ The shock of the contact stole the breath from her body and she gave a little sob as she felt the hard press of his arousal through the thin fabric of his scrub suit.

‘I need you naked. I need you naked now.’ He groaned the words against her mouth, breaking the contact only to jerk her top over her head. It landed in a soft heap and her bottoms followed moments later.

Tortured by excitement, Lara felt his fingers slide over her arms and then her bra was gone too and his mouth finally moved from her lips to her breast.

The slow graze of his tongue against her nipple sent shock waves through her system and she writhed against him, struggling to ease the growing ache deep in her pelvis.

She felt desperate, completely desperate, and he was obviously aware of that fact because she felt his warm, seeking fingers move lower until he was touching her intimately.

His skilled caress drove her past the point where restraint or common sense might have intervened and, when he brought his mouth back to hers, lightning heat and molten excitement poured through her body. She slid her own hands down over his warm, hard flesh and lower still, the sheer intensity of her need making her bold.

‘Please, Christian, please…’She whimpered the words against his mouth and her fingers closed around the warm, pulsing strength of his arousal.

He stilled and she felt his last desperate struggle for control.

She heard his harsh breathing, felt the tension in his powerful frame, and knew that, if he stopped now, she’d die for sure.

She slid her hips closer to his and wrapped her legs around him, her trembling, aroused body delivering a blatant invitation that he met with his own fierce demands.

His mouth found hers again and then she felt his hands on her hips, easing her forward. And then he was inside her, driving deep with a series of smooth thrusts that sent more shock waves spiralling through her thoroughly overexcited body.

She climaxed immediately, her body in the grip of an explosion of sensation that allowed her no breathing space.

‘Lara…’ He muttered her name against her mouth, sliding a hand over her bottom to bring her closer still, and t

he intimacy was so perfect—so deliciously shocking—that she clung to him, afraid to let go.

The feel of his body joined with hers was so amazing that another climax devoured her immediately and this time her uninhibited response tore through his own control and she felt the sudden increase in masculine thrust as he reached his own completion.

It was terrifying and exhilarating and she clung to his shoulders, overwhelmed by the intensity of the experience, struggling to regain her breath.

Gradually the sensations eased and she became aware of her surroundings. The flickering computer screen next to them, the few papers that hadn’t been knocked from the desk in the frantic pursuit of passion.

Tags: Sarah Morgan Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024