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The Christmas Sisters

Page 32

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Suzanne hadn’t got used to hers. “What if they’re not happy doing that?”

“They will be. I’ll teach them that you don’t need possessions to enjoy life.”

Suzanne frowned. “It’s not about possessions, it’s about security.”

“You mean predictability.”

Did she mean that? Suzanne didn’t think so. “Security isn’t the same as predictability. It would be nice to go out for the day and know that the things you love will be waiting for you when you get home.”

“If you get attached to things, it just hurts more when you lose them. Better to let all that go. I won’t need paintings for my wall because I’m going to be looking at views like this.”

“How is that practical? You’re going to need to make a living somehow. You still need to eat.”

“I’ve thought about that.” Cheryl sat up suddenly, as if she couldn’t possibly make an important announcement while lying flat. “I’m going to be a mountain guide. That way I can do what I love and be paid for it. How cool is that?”

It was the first Suzanne had heard of that plan. “Getting the training and qualifications will cost you a fortune.”

“I’ll find a way.” As usual, Cheryl dismissed the practicalities as nothing more than an inconvenience. “How about you? You’ll go to college and study law or something. You’ll have a house with a neat yard, a handsome husband, two point four polite children and a well-behaved dog.”

The laughter in her voice stopped Suzanne admitting that she would have been happy with all that, except perhaps the law part. But what would her life look like without Cheryl in it? Their friendship was the most important thing in her world. “I’m going to be a mountain guide, too.”

“You’re kidding.” Cheryl turned to look at her. “I thought you only did all this because I do it.”

“I love it, too.” Although until that moment she hadn’t considered being a mountain guide. But why not? She had to do something with her life. “We could do the training together. Get our qualifications together.”

“I’d love that.” Cheryl hugged her. “We’re going to be friends forever. Promise me we’ll be friends forever.”

“I promise.”

* * *

Suzanne glanced around the room again. “I’m not sure about the rug. Do you think we should give her the sheepskin from our bedroom?”

“What I think,” Stewart said, “is that you should stop.” He put the lights down and held out his arms to her. “Come here.”


“Do I need an excuse to hug my wife?” He lowered his head and kissed her and she forgot about Hannah. She was eighteen again, and in love with a man who wanted all the same things she did.

“Where do you want these?” Footsteps and the sound of Posy’s voice interrupted them.

She was carrying logs under one arm and used her other hand to shield her eyes. “Whoa. Sorry. If I’d known you were occupied, I would have sung loudly to announce my arrival.”

Stewart stopped kissing Suzanne. “Don’t sing. I beg you don’t sing.”

Posy pulled a face. “Maybe the two of you should get a room. I’m way too young to witness this.”

Suzanne eased out of Stewart’s arms. “Put them in the basket by the fire. Thank you, honey.” She watched as Posy dropped the logs into the basket. Two of her three daughters were settled and happy and she was grateful for that. Both Beth and Posy had found the life they wanted.

Posy straightened and glanced round the room. “It’s pretty, Mom. I almost want to move in myself. This turret bedroom is great. I bet we could rent it out on Airbnb and make a fortune.” She noticed the Christmas tree in the corner. “What’s Eric doing in here?”

“Eric?” Stewart adjusted the lights. “I can just about handle you naming the chickens, the sheep and the pigs, but since when have we started naming trees?”

“Trees are living things. At least, that one is. Meet Eric, the eco tree. He comes complete with roots. I repotted and nurtured him this year and look how he’s grown and flourished. Usually I put him in the barn when we have guests over Christmas.”

Suzanne added a couple of books to the nightstand. Hannah had always loved books. “Will Luke want

a tree? He doesn’t strike me as the kind of man who needs to be surrounded by glittery trappings.”

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