The Christmas Sisters - Page 91

“She’s spent a lot of time in her room, but that’s not unusual. She has a big job, Suzy. We should be proud of her.”

“I am proud of her, of course I am. But I’m also worried that she shuts people out. That she doesn’t trust them.” Suzanne adjusted her pillows. “If you get the chance, would you talk to her?”

He found his shoes. “Yes, but you know Hannah doesn’t open up easily. I’m not sure what I’m supposed to say to her.”

“Nothing. Don’t worry. I’ll be back on my feet tomorrow and I’ll talk to her then.”

If she wanted to know what was going on with her family, she was going to have to find out for herself.



Hannah put the finishing touches to the document and emailed it to the office.

She needed to have a conversation with the team, but the signal had been especially bad for the past couple of days. She hadn’t spoken to Angie in almost a week.

Her hand hovered over the keyboard, and then she quickly tapped on the tab saying Our People and brought up Adam’s biography and photo.

She knew she needed to talk

to him, but she had no idea what to say.

She missed their talks, his smile, his sharp mind and his sense of humor.

She missed him.

“Hannah? Hannah!”

The door flew open and Hannah flipped her laptop shut. She wasn’t used to people bursting into her room, but that was one of the penalties of being at home. Privacy was in short supply.


Beth stood there, clutching a towel round her, her hair tumbling loose around her bare shoulders. “Did you use all the hot water?”

Hannah was transported back to childhood when Beth would take up residence in the bathroom and then follow her round the house, trying to do her makeup.

“I took a shower, if that’s what you mean.”

“Next time, don’t spend so long in there. The water is freezing.”

“Fine, but while we’re on the topic of personal habits, can you not leave your makeup lying around everywhere. It’s as if someone has ransacked a beauty department.”

Beth walked out and then turned and came back again, this time walking into the center of the room. “Are you okay?”

“Of course. Why wouldn’t I be?”

“I don’t know. You were quiet at dinner last night and you’re spending a lot of time in your room. I hope it’s not the kids. Are they too loud?” Beth glanced at Hannah’s laptop. “Who is that guy?”

“What guy?”

“The hot guy on your computer screen that you’re hiding from me. Actor?”

“A colleague. We work for the same company.” She kept her hand on the lid, but of course that didn’t stop Beth because this was her family and privacy and respecting personal space wasn’t something that happened in the family home.

Beth pushed Hannah’s hand away and opened the laptop. “Wow. Not sure I could concentrate in a meeting if he was in the room. Is he married?”

“No.” Hannah closed the laptop again, but instead of leaving, Beth hovered.

Tags: Sarah Morgan Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024