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The Spanish Consultant (Westerling)

Page 68

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Her heart lurched and she fought the impulse to take several steps backwards. ‘That’s none of your business.’

She didn’t even question how he knew. Her father knew everything.

‘I wondered why you made that nonsensical speech about breaking off your engagement,’ he growled. ‘I should have guessed it was Rodriguez. And don’t try denying it. I had a call from a journalist today. They’ve got pictures of you together.’

Katy stared at him blankly. Pictures?


They’d been in Spain, for goodness’ sake. Who on earth had managed to take a picture of them?

‘Some nonsense about you saving a life in Spain.’ Her father gave a dismissive snort. ‘It’s everywhere. Take a tip from me—next time you want to run away with your boyfriend, be more discreet.’

‘And leave someone lying by the roadside?’ Katy looked at him with incredulity, registering just how callous he was. ‘And for your information, I wasn’t running away with anyone.’

‘But you’re seeing him. I can’t believe you’d be stupid enough to see Rodriguez again. I thought I’d managed to get rid of him eleven years ago,’ her father said nastily, taking another step into the room.

Suddenly realising that she could smell alcohol on his breath, she felt her stomach lurch with fear. ‘I want you to leave,’ she said quietly. ‘We can talk about this another time.’

‘There’s nothing more to talk about.’ He lifted a hand and stabbed a finger towards her. ‘You’re marrying Freddie, my girl, and that’s the end of it.’

‘I’m marrying Jago!’

The moment the impulsive declaration left her lips she knew she’d made a mistake and she closed her eyes briefly, cursing her stupidity.

Dear God, she never should have said that.

In his current mood, goodness only knew what her father was capable of.

He stared at her for a moment, stunned into silence by her passionate announcement, swaying slightly as he stood. ‘You’re marrying Rodriguez?’

Katy stood still, frozen to the spot, hardly daring to breathe.

Her father gave a short laugh. ‘Then you’re more of a fool than I thought you were. Do you really think he loves you?’ He gave a derisive snort. ‘Of course he doesn’t. He’s just using you. He wants your name, your reputation and your money. But most of all he wants revenge.’


She knew Jago wasn’t interested in any of the first three things, but revenge? Was it possible that her father was right?

After all, she knew that Jago didn’t love her.

Was that why he’d asked her to marry him? Because he knew that it would be the ultimate revenge on her father?

Filled with doubts, she suddenly wanted to be on her own.

She lifted her head and looked at her father. He’d done it again. Put doubts in her mind. Tried to ruin everything.

‘Go away.’ She couldn’t keep the choke out of her voice. ‘Just leave me alone. This is my life. My life.’ She never raised her voice but she was shouting now, the frustration of years of dealing with her father’s bully-boy tactics coming to a head. ‘I don’t ever want to see you again.’

Infuriated by her unusual attitude, her father stepped towards her.

‘You’ll marry Rodriguez over my dead body,’ he roared, and then staggered as a powerful arm clamped itself like a vice around his throat and pulled him away from her.

Jago’s tone was ice cold. ‘If you ever lay a finger on Katy, that’s exactly what’s going to happen.’

Charles Westerling gave a grunt of anger and tried to free himself, but Jago powered him against the wall and held him easily, the muscles of his shoulders bunched as he used his strength to subdue the older man.

‘When you agree to behave like a decent human being I’ll let you go.’ He spoke to Katy over his shoulder. ‘Querida, did he hurt you?’

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