The Greek Children's Doctor (Westerling) - Page 45

‘You can joke,’ Libby said loftily, ‘but you know it’s true.’

Alex frowned. ‘It’s not true. I’ve never deceived a woman in my life.’ His tone was maddeningly cool. ‘I’m always totally honest with them. And I’m completely faithful when I’m with a woman.’

‘Which is for a maximum of three months,’ Libby reminded him tartly.

Alex shrugged his broad shoulders dismissively. ‘So? I’ve never met a woman I wanted to wake up next to every day for the rest of my life.’

Libby rolled her eyes. ‘Well, I’m just glad I’m your sister.’

Alex smiled the smile that stopped women in their tracks. ‘What you’re saying is that I’m so irresistible that if you weren’t my sister you’d be in love with me.’ His blue eyes gleamed with amusement. ‘Go on, admit it.’

Libby’s mouth fell open and she was about to deliver a suitable retort when Katy intervened.

‘I can’t hear what the pair of you are talking about, but I know you’re quarrelling, so stop it,’ she admonished gently from across the table. ‘Alex, stop teasing Libby!’

‘Me?’ Alex lifted a hand to his broad chest, his expression hurt. ‘I would never tease my sister. I have the utmost respect for my sister.’

‘Alex…’ Libby’s tone was sugar sweet and she lifted a hand to her plate, her eyes sparkling with mischief as she looked thoughtfully at her brother’s pristine white dress shirt. ‘I’ve just thought of a use for this chocolate mousse.’

‘Will you two stop it?’ Katy stared at them, aghast, and then shot an embarrassed look towards Andreas. ‘I’m so sorry. What must you be thinking? They love each other really, it’s just that they can’t seem to help winding each other up. They’re always the same.’

Andreas laughed, totally relaxed. ‘Don’t apologise. Their conversation is very entertaining.’ His eyes rested on Libby thoughtfully. ‘And illuminating.’

Libby forgot about the chocolate mousse and Alex’s shirt and looked at him in horror. Just how much of the conversation had he overheard? Had he heard Alex suggesting that she was in love? She sincerely hoped not.

The chat started up again but Libby found herself staring at Andreas, trapped by the look in his stunning dark eyes. His gaze was intense and focused and there was no way he was letting her look away.

‘So why haven’t you eaten anything tonight, Libby?’ His firm mouth shifted slightly at the corners. ‘Is it the Hollywood diet—or is it something else?’

Libby gritted her teeth and resisted the temptation to slide under the table to hide her emb

arrassment. He’d obviously heard everything.

She closed her eyes and cursed her brother and his big mouth.

It was becoming harder and harder to keep Andreas at a distance. How was she going to manage it if he thought that she was so affected by him that she was off her food?

‘I’m just not that hungry,’ she mumbled, pushing her plate away from her and accepting the coffee that the waiter offered. ‘I never eat much at these things. Hard to make a serious impact on the dance floor if you’re full of food.’

Andreas glanced towards the band, which was playing something with a pounding rhythm. ‘If you’re aiming to make a serious impact, we’d better get started.’ He stood up, broad-shouldered and confident, and extended a hand. ‘Dance, Libby?’

Aware that the rest of the people at the table were watching her expectantly, Libby let him pull her to her feet.

It shouldn’t be a problem, she reassured herself. The band was playing fast stuff. Nothing that required the slightest bit of physical contact.

But the minute they reached the dance floor she realised that she’d made a major misjudgement.

Andreas was a fantastically good dancer. He closed strong fingers around hers and swung her against him, picking up the rhythm of the music and controlling her moves like a master.

Totally seduced by the pounding beat of the music and his strong lead, Libby let herself go, swaying and spinning, moving away from him and then back again, feeling his hard, muscular strength against her heated body.

A natural dancer, Libby ignored the fact that her hair had escaped from the pin on top of her head and was flying around her face as he spun her around the dance floor.

She was having far too much fun to care.

It was only when the music ended and applause broke out around them that she realised that they were the only ones that were dancing.

Suddenly self-conscious, she made to retreat to their table but Andreas laughed and hauled her against him.

Tags: Sarah Morgan Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024