The Greek Children's Doctor (Westerling) - Page 63

She followed him inside, almost drooling with pleasure as she saw the interior. It was decorated in a mixture of white and cool blues so that the overall impression was that it was just a continuation of the ocean.

‘I know you’re tired so I’ll show you straight to your bedroom,’ Andreas said roughly, and she looked at him cautiously.

She hadn’t given any thought to the sleeping arrangements. ‘Andreas—’

‘Sleep, Libby,’ he said gently, ‘and then we’ll talk.’

Suddenly realising just how exhausted she was, she followed him into a bedroom, smiling with pleasure when she saw the bathroom. It was the last word in luxury.

‘I can’t believe you brought me here. I ought to be fighting with you,’ she murmured, reaching forward and flicking on the taps, ‘but frankly I’m too exhausted.’

‘Thank goodness for that.’ Andreas gave a wry smile and deposited her suitcase on the floor. ‘I’ll leave you to it. My bedroom is directly opposite if you need anything.’

She stiffened. ‘I won’t need anything.’

His smile widened and she sucked in a breath, uncomfortably aware that they seemed to be alone in this villa. Alone for the first time in their relationship.

But he didn’t seem inclined to take advantage of that fact. Instead, he flicked her cheek gently with a strong finger and left the room without a backward glance, closing the door behind him.

She stared after him, telling herself firmly that she wasn’t disappointed.

He’d left her to have a bath and sleep alone in that gorgeous huge bed with the gauzy cream drapes.

And that was exactly what she wanted.

Wasn’t it?

Two days later Libby wondered how she was ever going to bring herself to leave the island.

She’d spent most of her time cooling down in the sea or in the fantastic azure blue pool that overlooked the beach. When she wasn’t swimming she slept, and every time she awoke there seemed to be more food waiting for her. Greek salads, dips, plump olives and regional specialities that made her mouth water.

Andreas had explained on the first day that one of the families from the neighbouring village looked after the villa and kept an eye on his mother when she was staying there. They were also responsible for delivering vast quantities of delicious food every day.

‘You’re trying to fatten me up,’ she groaned, leaning back in her chair after a spectacular lunch during which she’d eaten far too much for comfort.

Andreas poured her some more water and she tried not to notice how good he looked in his polo shirt. The fabric hugged the powerful muscles of his shoulders and his arms were tanned and strong.

He was an incredibly good-looking man and she didn’t really understand why he was bothering with her.

‘It’s good to see you eating, rather than picking at your food the way you did the night of the ball.’

As usual, any reference to the ball brought a sudden rush of colour to Libby’s cheeks. She couldn’t prevent herself from glancing across at him, and instantly regretted it. His dark eyes locked onto hers and she felt heat flare deep in her pelvis.

Terrified of the strength of her reaction, she stood up abruptly, her chair scraping on the ground. ‘It’s hot. I’m going to cool off in the pool—’

Strong fingers closed around her wrist and anchored her to the spot. ‘You shouldn’t exercise when you’ve just eaten, agape mou. And it’s time to stop avoiding me. You’ve rested and the colour has returned to your cheeks. No more running.’

‘I’m not running.’ She stood, breathing rapidly, trapped by his relentless grip and by the look in his eyes.

‘Libby, you’ve been running since the night I bought you at that auction.’ He pulled her closer and she couldn’t have resisted even if she’d wanted to. ‘It’s time you and I communicated.’

She watched, breathless, as his head lowered, transfixed by the inevitability of that kiss. For endless, infuriating seconds his mouth hovered above hers, close enough to set her whole body on fire with anticipation but not close enough to satisfy the raging hunger building inside her.

His eyes were half-closed as he looked down at her, and a hint of a smile hovered on his incredibly sexy mouth. Finally he lowered his head and his mouth brushed against hers, sending shock waves of excitement through her quivering body.

His hands slid up to her face, cradling it firmly, while his tongue traced the seam of her lips and dipped inside. Her lips parted under the pressure of his and she kissed him back, her tongue responding to the demands of his, her body arching against the solid muscle of his powerful body.

He kissed her until her entire body was throbbing with sensation and when he finally lifted his head she stared up at him, dazed.

Tags: Sarah Morgan Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024