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Summer Fling

Page 65

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‘I’m fine, Logan.’ She kept her tone light. ‘Just a bit tired after the drive.’

He was still watching her. ‘It’s probably being in the city. It’s far more exhausting than living here, on the island. Well, get some rest before Saturday. Meg, Kyla and a bunch of the cousins are going to be there and I know they’ll be disappointed if you don’t make it. And Kirsty has really missed you. You have a way with her that no one else has.’

What about you, Logan? she wanted to ask. Did you miss me, too? Instead, she smiled through stiff lips. ‘In that case, I’ll try and be there.’ She left the room and bumped into Kyla, who grabbed her wrist and dragged her into the treatment room.

‘You look as though you’ve just been to the dentist for root-canal treatment. What’s wrong?’

Evanna told her and then gave a wan smile. ‘What am I supposed to do? If I avoid him then I also avoid all the people I love, like Kirsty, you, Meg—your cousins—’ She broke off and chewed her lip. ‘That’s the trouble. I promised myself that I was going to spend less time with him but if I do that then I don’t have a social life.’

‘It would be much simpler if he just realised that he loved you,’ Kyla said gruffly, resting her hips on the couch. ‘I’ve come up with plan B. Plan A, which was for you to forget about him, obviously isn’t going to work. So plan B is to make him notice you. Once he notices you, he’ll realise that he’s been in love with you all his life.’

‘He married Catherine. He was in love with Catherine.’

‘Maybe. But life moves on and I also know that you’re perfect for him.’

‘Don’t start that again.’ Evanna started to turn away but Kyla grabbed her arm.

‘Just hear me out.’ Kyla’s voice was urgent. ‘I think one of the problems is that you grew up with Logan. You’ve been my best friend for ever and he’s used to seeing you around. He sees you as my friend. His practice nurse. So we need to change all that.’

‘And how are we going to do that?’

Kyla grinned. ‘Operation makeover. Don’t be offended. You’re already stunning, it’s just that we need to make your charms a little more obvious, so that my thick brother sits up and takes notice of something other than your skill with his patients.’

‘What do you want me to do?’ Despite her love for her friend, Evanna found it hard to keep the exasperation out of her voice. ‘Strap a sign to my body?’

‘Figuratively speaking.’ Kyla tilted her head to one side. ‘Fancy a shopping trip after work tomorrow? Alison has some really nice dresses in the boutique and she’s open until eight in the summer. We could grab an early supper in the café afterwards. It would be fun.’

Evanna thought of her mortgage. Of her new bathroom. ‘I already have a perfectly good wardrobe.’

‘But whenever you meet up with my brother you’re either in uniform, because you’re working, or you’re in jeans, because you’re looking after Kirsty. That red top looked fabulous on you, but let’s make it a red dress.’

‘I wear jeans because they’re practical.’

‘True. But how about forgetting the practical for once and going for the glamorous?’

Evanna stared at her. ‘If I turn up to babysit Kirsty in a tiara and diamonds, Logan will have me locked up.’

‘Saturday isn’t about babysitting. It’s a party and I’m not talking about a tiara and diamonds, just something more sexy and frivolous than you would normally wear. Let’s just try it. Anyway, shopping is always fun. I’ll pick you up from your house.’


‘Just try it, and then if Logan still doesn’t notice you, I’ll back off.’

‘He won’t notice me,’ Evanna said flatly. ‘It wouldn’t matter if I turned up to the barbecue stark naked. He still wouldn’t notice me.’

‘Trust me,’ Kyla said smugly. ‘He’s going to notice you.’

Evanna dropped in to c

heck on Lucy on her way home from the surgery and was pleased to see her outside in the garden with the pram.

‘I thought she might enjoy being out of doors,’ Lucy explained as she walked up the path to meet Evanna. ‘I’ve kept her in the shade but she’s been crying a bit and being pushed around seems to soothe her.’

‘It often does and I quite agree that taking her outside is a good idea. Janet said you’re worried about her cord.’

Lucy pulled a face. ‘It looks a bit gooey. Do you mind taking a look?’

‘Of course not. That’s why I’m here. And I’d like to take a look at you, too. How have you been feeling?’

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