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Summer Fling

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Sonia picked up her bag. ‘Oh, yes. I’m definitely having a footballer. It kicks and moves all the time.’

Evanna smiled and slipped her pen into her pocket. ‘That’s good. I’ll see you later, Sonia.’

‘I’ll make sure to have the kettle on.’

Evanna watched her go and then walked across to talk to Logan, who had just finished his afternoon surgery.

‘I’m taking Kirsty down to the beach for a paddle. Do you want to come?’ His hair was rumpled, his jaw slightly darkened with the beginnings of stubble, and he gave her a sleepy, sexy smile that made her breath catch.

She gazed at him wistfully and then reminded herself that playing happy families was not a good idea. ‘Actually I can’t,’ she said truthfully. ‘I have a few things to do here and then I have to call on Sonia.’

‘She was just in surgery.’ He pushed some papers into his bag and closed it. ‘Why would you be calling on her?’

‘Because her blood pressure is up a bit. It’s one-forty over ninety.’

The smile left his face. ‘Did you test her urine?’ His voice was terse and Evanna wondered how long it would take him to stop treating pregnant women as if they were unexploded bombs.

‘Of course. It was negative and her fundal height measurement was fine—thirty-five centimetres.’

‘Is the baby moving around?’

‘Yes. Plenty of movement. I’ve arranged to call with her later to check her blood pressure again, but I just wanted to let you know.’

Logan nodded. ‘If her blood pressure is still up, ask her to come to surgery tomorrow so that we can take some blood. We’ll do a single estimate serum urate, urea and electrolytes, full blood count and platelets, and repeat blood pressure recording and urinalysis.’

Evanna gave a soft smile. He was the most thorough, dedicated doctor she’d ever worked with. He let nothing slip past him. ‘All right.’

‘And Evanna—’ he picked up the case and walked towards the door ‘—don’t forget about the barbecue on Saturday.’

Evanna thought of the dress in her wardrobe. The new dress. ‘I won’t forget.’

‘Good.’ He gave a nod of approval and reached for his car keys. ‘See you tomorrow.’

Evanna called in at Sonia’s on the way home to check on her and found her blood pressure was still slightly high. Evanna felt a flicker of unease as she closed her bag and thought carefully about the best course of action.

‘Dr MacNeil wants you to come to surgery tomorrow and have a blood test,’ she said as she walked towards the door. ‘And can you bring another sample?’

‘Of course.’ Sonia winced slightly and rubbed her bump. ‘I must admit I’m starting to find it quite uncomfortable. It’s the heat, I suppose. Next time I’m going to make sure that I’m pregnant in the winter. Glad I’m not having triplets.’

Evanna smiled. ‘I’ll see you tomorrow, Sonia.’

She climbed back into the car, lining up the facts and deciding on the best course of action. Tests tomorrow and then careful monitoring. And, if in doubt, she’d send Sonia to the hospital for a check. She wouldn’t take any chances.

Suddenly she felt excited about Saturday. Maybe Kyla wa

s right. When had she ever really dressed up for Logan? The answer was never. Yes, they sometimes went to social events at the same time, but she’d never dressed to attract his attention.

He obviously liked her company and there was no doubt that Kirsty loved her.

Perhaps it was just a question of showing him that she was interested—of showing him that, as well as his friend and colleague, she was also a woman.


SATURDAY evening arrived and Evanna hovered outside Logan’s house, feeling ridiculously self-conscious. She’d walked through his garden gate at least a thousand times in her life and never even hesitated. So why should a glamorous dress and a pair of high heels suddenly make her nervous?

The answer, of course, was because she felt … different.

Normally, when she joined Logan for one of the frequent barbecues at his house, she pulled on her oldest pair of jeans and pushed her feet into a pair of trainers. It was true that occasionally she’d worn a dress in the hope that he’d notice her, but it had never worked. But she’d never worn a dress as glamorous or feminine as the one she was wearing now.

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