Summer Fling - Page 102

His eyes dropped to her mouth and for a wild, crazy moment she really thought he was going to kiss her. She even found herself leaning towards him.

And then she remembered her promise to herself, snatched her hand from his and struggled out of the hammock, almost twisting her ankle and landing flat on her bottom in the process. ‘It isn’t easy to stand up from one of these with dignity,’ she said in a strangled voice, horrified to realise just how close she’d come to kissing him.

‘Evanna, you don’t have to—’

‘I should really be going,’ she said in a bright voice. ‘I mean, I just came to check up on you. And you should be going. Inside, I mean. Because you can’t go anywhere because you’re already here. Obviously.’ Nerves made her babble incoherently and she almost groaned as she listened to herself.

What must he think of her?

No wonder he didn’t find her sexy. She didn’t have the first clue about seducing men.

Logan simply watched her, his handsome face unsmiling. ‘So that’s it? You’re leaving?’

What did he expect? Did he want her to pull out a pad and pen and start drawing up a list of possible candidates for his sexual pleasure?

‘It’s late.’ She waved a hand in the vague direction of the gate. ‘I should be going, and you should be—’

He scooped up the empty bottle and stood up in a smooth, athletic movement that was a complete contrast to her own tumbled exit from the hammock. ‘I should be getting back to the woman in my life. My daughter.’

There was an awkward silence and Evanna chewed her lip, wishing that she was better at talking about sex. Kyla would have lain there and chatted quite comfortably about any topic of his choice, but she’d been gauche and stiff.

‘I haven’t helped much, have I?’ she mumbled, and for a long moment Logan didn’t answer.

Then he gave a sigh. ‘You always help. Thanks for coming round, Evanna,’ he said gruffly, and she gave a helpless nod as she backed towards the garden gate.

‘You’re welcome. I’m sorry I didn’t—I mean, I hope it works out the way you want,’ she muttered, and then gave up trying to say the right thing and just made for her car.

Find the right moment.

Find the right moment.

Logan paced the floor of his bedroom, battling with a growing frustration. Hadn’t that been Evanna’s advice to him? But when exactly was the right moment to tell a woman that you wanted to strip her naked and have wild, abandoned sex with her?

Evanna’s life was so tidy and neat. Everything planned. He’d seen the way that she’d blushed when he’d mentioned sex. How much deeper would that blush have been had she known that the woman he was interested in was her?

Any other woman would have picked up his signals, but not Evanna.

Evanna didn’t do wild love affairs and she never had.

She was sweet and conservative and a bit shy. The sort of woman who blushed when she was caught coming out of the shower.

And, as far as he was concerned, that just made her all the more appealing.

They’d been sitting in the dark in his garden, talking about life. Talking about the future. Surely there would never be a better moment to tell a woman that you were interested in her, and yet had he spoken up? No. He’d lain there like a tongue-tied, hormonal teenager on a first date. Dropping hints. Skirting around the subject.

Logan walked over to the window and stared out over the garden.

He hadn’t really thought about sex for a year and suddenly he couldn’t think about anything else. But there was only one woman that interested him. And he had absolutely no idea how to go about telling her. And this lack of confidence with the female sex was an entirely new experience for him.

Never in his life could he recall being anything less than confident with a woman. He’d seen. He’d wanted. He’d taken. It had all come so easily to him.

But Evanna was different.


e ran a hand over his face and sat back in his chair. There was so much more at stake than rejection and damage to his ego. If he got this wrong then a lifelong friendship would be damaged. Glenmore was a small, close-knit community. If it all went wrong, they wouldn’t be able to avoid each other. It could be hideously awkward.

Was it really worth the risk?

Tags: Sarah Morgan Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024