The Seduction Challenge - Page 36

‘She was going to call a taxi,’ Joel explained, wondering when his brother was going to leave him alone so that they could both get on with some work, ‘and that would have made her very late. Not that any of this is your business.’

Why the hell was he explaining himself to his brother?

He gave a wry smile. Maybe he was reminding himself of the facts. That he’d been helping Lucy—nothing more.

Michael was looking at him doubtfully. ‘So you dropped her off home and then went upstairs to your own flat?’

‘I didn’t know you were so concerned for my virtue,’ Joel drawled, controlling the irritation that threatened to bubble up inside him. ‘I’m thirty-three years of age. I don’t need my big brother to look out for me.’

‘I’m not looking out for you,’ Michael snarled. ‘I’m looking out for Lucy!’

Joel’s jaw tightened. And he knew why. It was because of the child, of course. Still, it galled him that his family had so little faith in his morals and ethics.

He leaned back in his chair and stared coldly at his brother. Suddenly he was fed up with being lectured. ‘And why am I such a danger to Lucy?’

Michael gave him an impatient look. ‘You know why! Lucy does not need to be messed around!’

/> Joel lifted an eyebrow speculatively. ‘My, my, we are protective all of a sudden.’

Michael looked ready to explode and then caught the gleam in Joel’s eye and subsided.

‘Oh, damn you!’ His smile was slightly sheepish. ‘Well, maybe I am overreacting just a bit.’

‘Just a bit.’

Michael coloured at the sarcasm in Joel’s tone. ‘Well, all right, then. More than just a bit. It’s just that she—she—’

‘She gets to you,’ Joel finished softly, his eyes on his brother as he leaned forward. ‘There’s something about the girl that makes you want to slay dragons and then take her back to your cave and keep her safe for ever.’

Michael pulled a face. ‘Well, not exactly. Maria is already at home in my cave, and I don’t want a black eye, but if you were speaking hypothetically, then, yes, I’d say you’re spot on. Lucy Bishop seems to bring out everyone’s protective instincts.’ He hesitated and then gave a sigh. ‘Look, I’m sorry for what I said. It’s just that—’

‘You don’t trust me?’ Joel’s tone was soft and Michael gave a sigh.

‘I’ve never interfered in your love life before—’

‘Possibly because it is none of your business,’ Joel pointed out pleasantly, and Michael looked at him, his eyes suddenly tired.

‘Joel, with all your experience of women, surely you can see that Lucy is different. She’s not one of your—’ He broke off and Joel prompted him, his eyes suddenly narrowed.

‘Yes?’ His tone was smooth. ‘She’s not one of my…?’

‘You know what I’m saying.’ Michael waved a hand and gave his brother an exasperated look. ‘Just don’t go there, Joel! Don’t mess the girl around.’

‘Because I know that you mean well and have Lucy’s interests at heart, I won’t punch your lights out,’ Joel said softly. ‘And for the record, so that you don’t lose sleep over it, I should tell you that I drove her home, I examined Sam, who had a mild asthma attack, and then I cooked her supper.’

There was a long silence while his brother digested that information.

‘You cooked her supper?’ Michael looked at him suspiciously. ‘But Lucy’s always refused to eat supper with any of us.’

‘Well, she didn’t refuse me.’

He didn’t add that he hadn’t given her much choice.

‘And then what happened?’

Nothing, unfortunately.

Joel sighed. ‘I went upstairs to my flat and slept in my own bed. Not that it’s any of your damn business.’

Tags: Sarah Morgan Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024