The Seduction Challenge - Page 53

Was she afraid to look at him?

‘Lucy?’ He tucked a finger under her chin and lifted her face so that she had to look at him. ‘I know I’m supposed to say I’m sorry, but it would be a lie, and I won’t lie to you—ever.’

She wriggled away from him, clearly embarrassed. ‘Well, at least I know what it’s like to kiss another man now.’

Her tone was light, but he could sense her confusion and he didn’t know what to do about it.

‘It was just a kiss Lucy,’ he reassured her softly. ‘It doesn’t have to be any more than that if you don’t want it to be.’

But he desperately hoped that she did want it to be something more.


LUCY stared at the peak-flow meter in her hand and tried to concentrate.

But all she could think of was what it had felt like to be kissed by Joel.

She still wasn’t sure what had happened to her.

She’d been kissed by Tim a thousand times over the years they’d been together, and never, never even once, had it felt like that.

And if that was what kissing Joel could feel like, then what would it feel like to…?

She shook her head slightly, shocked by her own thoughts.

What on earth was happening to her?

She sat down on the chair in the treatment room with a plop, wondering suddenly if this was what Tim had felt. Was that why he’d left? Had he suddenly discovered a new, exciting feeling that the two of them had never experienced together?

Stunned by the direction of her thoughts, she lifted a hand to her mouth. Even after he’d left, she’d never questioned her feelings for Tim. She’d always been so sure that he was the only man for her. But she’d never felt one tenth of the excitement when Tim walked into a room that she experienced when she saw Joel.

So what did that mean? Had Tim been right all along when he’d said that they were wrong for each other? She tried to remember some of the things that he’d said in the letter he’d left on the kitchen table, but she’d been so devastated by his actions that she’d barely read further than the first line.

She looked up as the door opened and Ros walked into the room.

‘Dear me, you look white as a sheet!’ She was across the room in seconds, concern clearly visible on her face. ‘Has something happened?’


After Joel’s kiss the night before, her whole world had been turned upside down. She’d always thought that there was no excuse for what Tim had done. And of course there was no excuse for the way he’d treated Sam. But as for their relationship—she was beginning to wonder whether there was more to a relationship than what she had shared with Tim. ‘I’m fine, Ros,’ she said quietly. ‘Just a bit tired.’

And confused.

‘I’m not surprised,’ Ros said briskly. ‘You’re on your own with a child and you’re working—it’s no wonder you’re tired. Sit there for a moment and I’m going to bring you a cup of tea.’

‘My asthma clinic is about to start,’ Lucy protested weakly, and Ros snorted.

‘They can wait five minutes.’

She bustled out of the room and was back minutes later with a steaming mug of tea.

‘Here, drink this.’ She handed the mug to Lucy, who took it gratefully.

Aware that Ros was hovering, watching her like a mother hen, she drank the tea and felt instantly better.

‘Thanks, Ros. You’re a lifesaver.’ She stood up and smiled. ‘OK. Bring them on!’

Her first patient was Mrs Lambert, who was due for a routine check.

Tags: Sarah Morgan Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024