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The Seduction Challenge

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‘This reminds me of my college days.’ Tina laughed, wincing as she poked herself in the eye with a mascara wand. ‘Ouch. Do you want me to put your hair up for you?’

‘Would you?’ Lucy looked at her gratefully, knowing that she would never manage to create the look that Tina could. She was very gifted.

Satisfied with her own make-up, Tina sat Lucy in a chair and flicked open her bag. ‘Right… Now, then…’ She stared into the bag and then picked up a pair of scissors.

Lucy’s eyes widened with alarm and Tina grinned.

‘Trust me. I just want to trim the front bits. It will look better, I promise. You’ll be able to peep out through these floaty strands. Very sexy and alluring.’

Alluring? Lucy looked at her doubtfully. She didn’t have the first clue how to look alluring.

Tina snipped quickly and then pulled out a brush and clips and twisted Lucy’s hair into a knot on the back of her head, teasing a few strands over her cheeks.

‘Oh, perfect—no, you can’t look yet.’ Tina reached for her make-up box and picked out a few things. ‘Just a touch of this… There—fantastic.’

She worked for another ten minutes and finally she straightened with a smile of satisfaction and reached for the dress.

‘Time to go to the ball, Cinderella.’

Lucy slithered into the dress and Tina helped her fasten it.

‘Perfect. Now look at yourself in the mirror.’

But before Lucy had a chance there was a loud banging on the door and Tina looked at her in dismay.

‘They’re here already? Where did the time go?’

She leaned forward and kissed Lucy on the cheek, giving her a saucy wink. ‘Don’t forget, tonight you’re living those college years. Go for it, girl!’

With that she shimmied across the room, veiled her eyes in a sexy expression and opened the door.

Nick stood there, resplendent in a dinner jacket, and Tina sighed dramatically

‘My hero.’

Nick glanced down at her cleavage and gave her a suggestive wink. ‘Do we have to go to the ball?’

‘Yes, we do.’ Tina pretended to look shocked but she stood on tiptoe to kiss her husband. ‘Have you warmed the car up for us?’

‘We’ve booked a taxi so that we can drink. His engine and his meter are running as we speak, so get a move on. Is Lucy ready?’

Lucy stepped forward shyly, clutching the wrap that went with the dress. ‘I’m here.’

Nick stared at her in silence and then cleared his throat and stepped to one side.

Joel walked past his brother and Lucy’s breath caught as she looked at him. Dressed in a dark dinner jacket and bow-tie, he looked stunningly handsome.

‘I— Hi…’ Suddenly she felt hideously self-conscious, aware that he was looking at her differently.

‘You look gorgeous.’ His voice was husky and very male, and Tina gave a delighted smile.

‘Isn’t she beautiful?’

‘Tina, please…’ Lucy interrupted her, thoroughly embarrassed, but Joel was nodding slowly.

‘Really beautiful.’

Nick was frowning. ‘Joel…’

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