The Seduction Challenge - Page 68

The raw intensity of his gaze burned through to her soul, but he wouldn’t let her look away, wouldn’t let her deny what was happening between them.

And it was like nothing she’d ever felt before. She knew now that whatever she had felt with Tim, it had never been like this. Never come near to this earth-shaking, overwhelming build of pleasure that threatened to consume every inch of her.

Knowing exactly how to make her body respond to him, Joel changed the angle slightly, a faint sheen of sweat on his brow as he created a rhythm so exquisite that it was almost unbearable.

There was something unbelievably erotic about the way that he kept eye contact as he moved deeply inside her, and Lucy clung to him, not understanding what was happening to her. It wasn’t just her body he was controlling, it was her emotions.

Even as she felt her body reach its peak, he wouldn’t let her look away, his eyes still on hers as they both reached an electrifying climax that swept them both along in its path.


IT WAS the doorbell that woke them.

Startled, Lucy sat upright, scrabbled around on the floor for her watch and gave a gasp.

‘Oh, no! Joel, wake up!’ She gave him a gentle shake, trying not to look at the sleek muscles of his shoulders. It was over. She’d had her night of passion and now it was time to return to the reality of her life.


She scooped up her dress and all the other evidence, sprinted to her bedroom to hide it and grabbed her dressing-gown. In the meantime, Joel had pulled on his trousers and shirt and given her a sleepy, sexy smile. ‘Oops!’ He hadn’t woken up properly and his voice was gruff and masculine. She felt her heart turn over with love. She wanted to savour what they’d had, to relive every incredible minute, but the hour was past and there was no time for such self-indulgence.

‘I’ll take them into the kitchen and you can make your escape.’

He frowned slightly and his hand closed over her wrist, preventing her escape. ‘Lucy, wait—’

‘Joel, we’ve got to let them in.’ Her voice was an urgent whisper and she couldn’t meet his eyes. She wasn’t used to morning-after chat. It wasn’t something she’d ever done before. Maybe Sam’s early arrival was a good thing. It stopped her having to hear Joel tell her that last night had just been a one-off experience.

‘Dammit, Lucy, look at me.’ His voice was a husky growl and he dragged her towards him. ‘We need to talk.’

‘There’s nothing to talk about,’ she muttered, and he swore under his breath.

‘Oh, yes, there is. Last night.’

‘Oh, come on, Joel.’ She fixed a brave smile on her face. ‘We both know that last night was just a one-off. We agreed that before we did it. No commitment, remember?’

The doorbell rang again and he made an impatient sound, his fingers tightening around her wrist.


Summoning up all her will-power, she stood on tiptoe and kissed his cheek, feeling the rough stubble under her lips.

‘Last night was amazing, Joel. I’ll never forget it. You’ve shown me that there’s plenty of things in life left for me to discover.’

Without waiting for him to answer, she walked towards the front door, leaving him no choice but to walk towards the bedroom.

Lucy took a deep breath and opened the door.

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Tina stood there, with Sam by her side, and Lucy looked at her in surprise.

‘Oh—I thought Maria was coming.’

Tina gave her a knowing grin. ‘I thought maybe I’d better come. I wasn’t sure—er…’ She broke off and glanced over Lucy’s shoulder into the flat. ‘Well, anyway, I said I needed to collect my dress.’

Lucy stooped to hug Sam, who was full of excitement about his night with Michael and Maria.

‘Guess what, they let me sleep on a camp bed in their room.’ Sam’s eyes were almost popping out as he regaled her with the details. ‘It was great, Mum. Michael says when the weather is warmer, maybe we can go camping properly.’

Tags: Sarah Morgan Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024