In Bed With the Boss - Page 32

He drew her towards him, his fingers gently smoothing her hair away from her cheeks. ‘The first, minha paixao, is going to be me.’

The breath caught in her throat and she lifted her face to his, waiting for his kiss, but he simply gave a slow, lazy smile and trailed his hand downwards to her neck, his fingers lingering on the tiny pulse that beat in her throat. ‘Not yet. Nothing as good as this should ever be rushed.’

His touch soothed and seduced by equal measure and gradually the insistent rush of the waterfall and the night-time call of the rainforest faded to nothing. There was only him and the hot, swirling atmosphere sucking them both in.

Grace felt her eyes drift shut as time and thought were suspended. Her heart w

as thundering and her insides were melting and he’d barely touched her.

‘You’re beautiful.’ He murmured the words against her throat and his fingers slid the glittering strap of her dress over her arm, exposing the curve of her shoulder. He smoothed a hand over her creamy skin, taking his time, savouring every millimetre of her flesh with the tips of his fingers. Her body hummed in response and her lips parted in a silent plea but still he didn’t touch her mouth with his.

Instead she felt the nip of his teeth and the flicker of his tongue against her shoulder and then lower, to the soft hint of flesh that he’d exposed for himself by lowering her dress. His hands, so firm and confident, slid up her body and settled just above her waist and she gave a soft gasp as he dragged both thumbs over the tips of her breasts. Her nipples strained, seeking his attention, and he gave a low laugh of satisfaction and slid his fingers inside the clinging fabric, just as he had in the forest. Only this time it was different.

This time nothing was stopping them.

The atmosphere pulsed with a heat that was almost unbearable and she gave a low moan as the burning in her body intensified to almost unbearable proportions.

‘You feel so hot,’ he groaned, desire thickening his words and his accent, ‘so beautiful.’

She hadn’t even felt his hands on the zip of her dress but they must have been there because a slither of silk descending from her body to the floor announced to her fevered brain that she was now wearing only her lace panties.

‘Rafael …’ Consumed by an excitement so intense that it was almost terrifying, she lifted a hand to his cheek and he turned his head to kiss her hand, his eyes holding hers.

And then his mouth finally claimed hers.

His kiss was hot and passionate and without moving his mouth from hers he lifted her in his arms and placed her in the centre of the bed. He came down on top of her, his movements swift and possessive as he slid over her hips and shifted her under him.

She felt his weight, the pressure of his body on hers and her excitement increased because she was suddenly so aware of his physical strength. He lifted his head and rolled away from her, placing his hand on her quivering abdomen in a gesture that was unquestionably possessive.

As if to ensure that there was no mistake, he gave a slow smile. ‘Mine,’ he murmured softly as he moved his hand downwards in a purposeful movement. ‘All mine.’

And she couldn’t have argued with him even if she wanted to because she felt the hot, skilful slide of his fingers over her warm flesh—felt them move downwards in a remorselessly sensual exploration until they finally came to rest on the almost transparent wisp of silk that still protected her. His hand lingered for a moment, teasing, prolonging the agony, and then, just when she thought he was never going to touch her where she wanted him to touch her, his fingers moved and he removed the wisp of silk protecting her feminine secrets. The last barrier.

She gave a shiver and a gasp as a burst of almost agonising anticipation engulfed her.

He looked at her and then his gaze moved slowly downwards as he studied every part of her, his attention lingering on the golden shadows revealed by his fingers.

‘Rafael …’ She gasped his name and he shifted his body and lowered his mouth to her breast, his tongue and teeth grazing that sensitive part of her. Sensation shot through her body and she slid her fingers through his hair, wanting and needing to touch him, too.

With a low growl he turned his attention to her other breast, his tongue tasting and teasing until her pelvis burned and her hips wouldn’t stay still, so desperate was she for satisfaction.

‘You’re incredibly sexy and responsive,’ he groaned, moving slightly so that he could kiss her again. His mouth was hot and demanding and she felt the rough strength of his body pressing her back against the bed. Dizzy from his kiss, engulfed by sensation, Grace slid her hand down his back, feeling smooth flesh and hard male muscle.

She couldn’t wait.

She didn’t want to wait.

But he shifted his weight again, just slightly, and slid a hand downwards to the core of her femininity. She felt the skilled and gentle exploration of his fingers, his touch so sure and knowing that excitement ripped through her. Oblivious to everything except his control over her responses, she lay in a state of dazed excitement as he drove her to a peak of such delicious arousal that she was just desperate for release. Her hips moved and shifted, her back arched in silent invitation and she moaned his name in a plea for gratification.

And he gave a low groan of acknowledgement and slid his fingers deep. ‘You are incredible, minha paixao. And I want you more than I’ve ever wanted a woman.’

She wasn’t even listening. It was as if nothing could penetrate her brain except sensation and she couldn’t concentrate on anything except the movement of his hands on her body.

And then the gentle, almost lazy, seduction ended and he shifted again. She felt his weight pressing her down onto the bed, his movements increasingly urgent as he repositioned her and parted her legs with his hand. The rough hairs on his thighs brushed against her skin and then she briefly felt the sensation of his velvety smooth erection brushing against her before he lifted her hips and entered her with a purposeful thrust.

Shocked by the sudden splinter of pain that stabbed her, she parted her lips in a gasp but his mouth silenced her and he kissed her, capturing every cry and every breath as he drove deep into her body, sending waves of frantic excitement rippling through her as he introduced her to an intimacy that was as alien as it was intoxicating. The pain was already a distant memory and she was aware only of throbbing masculinity, delicious sensations and an electrifying pleasure, as the initial discomfort was replaced by a burning fire that bloomed white-hot. She felt something deliciously unfamiliar build inside her, driven by the pulsing heat of masculine thrusts. He moved in a seemingly perfect rhythm, his body urging hers to respond, and she did.

Even without the slide of his hand encouraging her response, she found herself wrapping her thighs around his body, offering herself. And he took what she offered with an almost violent hunger, his sexual demands so great that she felt the room spinning and her heart pounding. It was electrifying, rousing and totally all-consuming and she held on, unsure where he was taking her but trusting him not to let her fall. Sensation devoured her like a greedy animal and she felt her body throb and sing until she was blind with need.

Tags: Sarah Morgan Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024