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The Nurse's Christmas Wish (The Cornish Consultants)

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And she liked Hannah. The pretty blonde girl always had a ready smile and was a hard worker.

‘Well, if you’re sure, thanks. Poor man. What a thing to happen just before Christmas.’ Hannah tipped the debris from the intubation tray into the bin. ‘I hope they make contact with his relatives soon. Someone out there must be worrying themselves sick about him.’

Louisa felt pain shaft through her.

‘Not everyone has someone to worry about them,’ she said casually. ‘Perhaps he doesn’t have any family.’

Hannah looked at her. ‘You think he might have driven his car off the cliff on purpose?’

‘I didn’t say that.’ Louisa brushed her dark hair away from her face and gave a weary smile. ‘Let’s hope not.’

‘Well, Christmas does weird things to people,’ Hannah agreed, running through saline and dextrose and hanging them ready from the drip stand. ‘I’m not exactly looking forward to it myself.’

Louisa glanced up from the drugs she was checking. ‘Are you working?’

‘Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day,’ Hannah said cheerfully. ‘Never mind. I’ll just have to hope that Santa drops Mr Right down my chimney to distract me.’

Louisa smiled. ‘Anyone particular in mind?’

‘Well, I wouldn’t object to finding Mac Sullivan in my stocking,’ Hannah quipped. ‘But seeing as he’s on everyone’s Christmas list, I’m not holding my breath.’

What about Josh?’

Hannah gave a womanly smile. ‘I’d prefer to keep my heart intact, and falling for Josh would be a big mistake. He’s gorgeous, of course, but too much the playboy for my taste.’ She shrugged. ‘Mac’s different. Solid. Tough. You just know that when he eventually takes the plunge and falls for a woman again, it’s going to be serious.’

Would he fall for someone again? Louisa mused as she snapped open a laryngoscope to check that the bulb was working. Or would he keep himself locked away for ever?

Not her type, she reminded herself firmly as she finished restocking Resus.

‘All done.’ Hannah glanced round the room and gave a satisfied nod. ‘Go home. You look exhausted.’

She was exhausted.

The doors swung open again and Mac strode in. ‘Child with severe asthma coming in—is this place ready?’

Louisa froze.

Of all the cases she dealt with in A and E, asthma gave her the most problems.

‘Louisa?’ Mac’s tone was sharp and she jumped.

‘Everything’s fine,’ she said quickly, licking dry lips and moving towards the intubation tray. She could do this. Quickly she snapped open the paediatric laryngoscope. ‘How old?’

‘Little girl, aged six. Hannah, can you meet the ambulance?’ His voice was rock steady and he waited for the other nurse to leave the room before walking over to Louisa. ‘Are you all right?’

‘I’m fine.’

His eyes rested on her. ‘Louisa, you’re shaking.’

She swallowed. There was no fooling him. On the other hand, he was a doctor, and a skilled one at that. ‘I’m not that great with asthma attacks—sort of takes me back to my youth. I remember how scary they are.’

He nodded and something flickered in his dark gaze. Sympathy? ‘Hannah can deal with it. You’re supposed to be off duty now anyway. Go home.’

‘No.’ She shook her head and managed a smile. ‘I’ll be fine. Honestly. I always am.’

His eyes held hers and tension hummed between them, a living, breathing force.

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