Bought: Destitute Yet Defiant - Page 55

‘Silvio, I can’t wear this!’ Her voice barely a whisper, Jessie touched it with the tips of her fingers.

‘I might lose it. Or someone might mug me—’

‘The hotel is swarming with security staff. And anyway…’ he gave a faint smile ‘…if someone tries to mug you, you can stab them with your shoe. Or you could just punch them. We both know you’re more capable of defending yourself than any of the other women out there.’

Her hand still on the diamond, Jessie gave a choked laugh. ‘I don’t think that sort of behaviour goes with the dress.’

‘Fine. Leave it to the security staff, then. Or me. I’ll be watching. Are you ready?’

Jessie looked in the mirror. On the outside she looked every bit as glamorous as any of the women who had attended the champagne reception on his yacht.

On the inside, she felt no different.

She was like a sturdy family car that had been re-sprayed and fitted with a Ferrari engine.

She was a fake.

She wanted to say something about how she felt but she knew that anything she said would sound ungrateful. And she wasn’t ungrateful. Far from it. She just wished she didn’t feel as though he was…she swallowed…upgrading her?

Silvio held out his arm. ‘Are you ready?’

‘Now?’ Her eyes widened and panic gripped her. ‘I need more practice.’

‘You don’t need more practice.’

‘Aren’t they eating dinner or something?’

‘They’re just finishing their second course. They’re ready for music. The other musicians said you were fabulous.’

‘I wasn’t fabulous, actually,’ Jessie said honestly, suddenly overwhelmed by nerves. ‘I didn’t sing well. And they were just normal people.’ Her mouth was so dry she couldn’t imagine being able to sing a note. ‘Why am I doing this? I’ll let you down. You haven’t heard me sing since I was a child.’

‘I’ve heard you sing, Jessie.’ Clearly unable to understand her panic, he smiled. ‘I was in Joe’s bar a few nights ago. It took a great deal of will power not to drag you from that stage, I can assure you.’

She stood still while the words sank in. ‘You were there? I didn’t know.’

‘Well, tonight you will know.’ Dismissing her fears, he lifted her hand to his lips and kissed it. ‘And when you sing, you will be singing for me.’

Her insecurities melted away.

He cared for her.

He’d bought her the gifts because he was generous and he wanted her to feel confident, and she was being stupid and paranoid. He wasn’t upgrading her—he was spoiling her.

‘Thank you,’ Jessie said softly, smiling up at him. ‘Thank you for everything you’ve done for me. Shall we go?’

Silvio sat at the back of the room, watching Jessie walk onto the stage.

The laughter and chat didn’t cease and most of the guests didn’t even notice that she’d joined the other musicians.

The bride and groom were drawing all the attention, as was to be expected, because this had been the most anticipated wedding for a decade and everyone who was anyone had been silently hoping for an invitation.

As the pianist started to play and the rest of the musicians joined in, no one broke off their conversation or even looked in their direction.

And perhaps that was just as well, Silvio thought wryly, watching Jessie’s hand shaking as she reached for the microphone. If she thought they weren’t looking, she might find the courage to open her mouth.

The diamond pendant he’d given her glittered at her throat and the dress dipped seductively, while still managing to be discreet. Even though it was subtle and understated it was every bit as sexy as her tight gold dress.

Given that no one was taking any notice of her, Silvio was severely tempted to haul her off the stage and take her back to bed. He had to remind himself that this was her big opportunity.

Tags: Sarah Morgan Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024