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Bought: Destitute Yet Defiant

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She was desperate to share her feelings with Silvio, but she couldn’t fight her way through the throng of people keen to talk to her.

Cameras were flashing in her face and she gave an interview before she even knew she was talking to a journalist. Hoping they weren’t going to print anything embarrassing, Jessie turned to find a tall man with grey hair waiting to talk to her.

‘So has Silvio arranged a recording deal for you?’ The man drew her to one side and Jessie took advantage of the space to take a breath.

‘No.’ Baffled by the question, she looked at him. ‘Why would he?’

‘Because Silvio Brianza has an unerring eye for a good investment and you must be one of the best investments he’s ever unearthed. The guy is a genius, I have to hand it to him. I don’t suppose I can persuade you to desert him and fly with me to Las Vegas, can I?’ Delving into his pocket he withdrew a card. ‘My daughter is getting married next week. I’d love you to sing. Who is your agent?’


‘Contact him. Tell him I’ll pay a million dollars for the evening.’

Jessie almost fainted. ‘A million dollars? You have to be joking.’

He frowned. ‘I’ve insulted you. I apologise. Would you consider doing it for two million? I’m impressed that you know your worth.’ He moved to one side as someone elbowed him. ‘I realise you’re in demand, but I hope I hear from you.’ With a nod and a smile he walked away and Jessie flopped onto the nearest chair, feeling as though she was going to pass out.

Had someone really just offered her two million dollars to sing for an evening?

Feeling light-headed, she automatically looked across the room, searching for Silvio so that she could tell him the news and they could laugh at it together, but she could no longer see him, so instead she sat for a moment, trying to catch her breath.

‘Silvio really does know how to spring surprises.’ A beautiful woman sat down next to her and lifted a glass of champagne in a silent toast. ‘Have you known him long? Or are you another one of his sob stories from the gutter?’

Jessie felt her mouth dry. ‘Sob stories?’

‘Yes, you know…’ The woman suppressed a yawn. ‘All those people he rescues. He’d rescue the whole world if he could. It’s quite sweet really, Silvio’s soft streak. He dragged himself from the streets and he likes to help others if he can. I don’t blame him. These days it’s good business to have a social conscience.’

Jessie felt her happiness shatter. ‘Silvio doesn’t care about his image. He helps people because he wants to make a difference.’

‘Well, he’s certainly succeeded with you. Although does it really work, I wonder? This type of social engineering.’ The woman put her glass carefully on the table and rested her perfectly manicured hand on the linen tablecloth. ‘It seems a bit cruel to me. Do you honestly feel part of this crowd?’

Jessie felt as though her face was frozen. It was impossible to move any of her muscles. ‘I’m fine.’ Fine. She was the one using that word now.

‘Oh, you look the part. He’s done a good job on your appearance, but are you happy? Or are you just looking round comparing yourself to everyone else?’

Jessie felt numb. She’d thought she was happy.

She’d thought this was the happiest day of her life.

‘I’m not one of his good deeds. That isn’t what this is about.’ But it was impossible not to think about the gold dress and a diamond pendant. And the box. He’d replaced her battered old box with something special that would last for ever.


Jessie rubbed her fingers over her forehead, trying to ignore the voice in her head that was telling her that he was wiping out everything of her old life.

Her companion gave a sympathetic smile. ‘If I’ve offended you, I’m sorry. I was just worried about you sitting here by yourself, not knowing anyone.’ She sounded genuinely contrite. ‘Why is Silvio helping you, then?’

Jessie couldn’t formulate a response.

She tried to silence the nagging voice in her head that told her that if he’d cared about her as a person, it shouldn’t have mattered whether she was wearing her cheap gold dress or his couture version. It should be about her, not about the clothes she was wearing or her ability to blend into his new life.

But he’d never talked about a future, had he? Never talked about love.

Silvio Brianza didn’t fall in love.

Yes, he’d wanted her. But only after he’d dressed her up and transformed her into someone different.

Suddenly needing some sort of evidence that she was wrong, Jessie looked around for him again and this time spotted him through the crowd, deep in conversation with a stunning brunette. He appeared to be enjoying her company, a smile playing around his firm mouth as the girl flirted with him.

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